Blog AGO Investigators Examine Airlangga Hartarto on Cooking Oil Scarcity Policy

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TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Jampidsus Investigation Director of Junior Attorney General Agung Kuntadi said that AGO has asked the Coordinating Minister for Economy Airlangga Hartarto about his policies regarding the oil scarcity in Indonesia.

The examination, he said, is a development from the crude palm oil (CPO) graft case involving Wisnu Wardhana in 2021. It is proven in court that the measures taken by Airlangga at the time caused damages to the state.

“We find it necessary to examine Airlangga Hartarto, especially in regard to his duty and responsibility to take measures against the cooking oil scarcity and the facilitation of CPO export,” said Kuntadi in the AGO office, South Jakarta on Monday evening, July 24, 2023.

Regarding Airlangga’s involvement in the case, Kuntadi said the investigators still need time to examine the legal facts. “So this is not concerning his involvement, this is just to confirm Airlangga Hartarto’s position and duty,” he said.

Kuntadi emphasized that deciding Airlangga’s involvement at this time would be premature since this was the early stage of the investigation. “We are still observing the development of the investigation, so let’s wait and don’t be rash,” Kuntadi remarked.

Previously, AGO has named three corporation suspects in the CPO export graft case, namely Musim Mas Group, Wilmar Group, and Permata Hijau Group. AGO will investigate whether these three corporations saw profits from the policies issued at that time.

Meanwhile, Airlangga was examined for 12 hours, from 09:00 a.m. to 21:00 p.m. Airlangga revealed that he answered well 46 questions from the investigators. However, he refrained from divulging further regarding the questions asked. “I answered to the best of my ability. Other matters will be explained by the investigators,” said Airlangga.


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