Blog Aussie man Daniel Quinn fighting for life in Bali hospital after horror motorbike accident on Sydneysiders 30th birthday

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  • Aussie tourist lost consciousness riding a motorbike 
  •  Doctors found a blood clot in his brain
  • GoFundMe has been set up to support Daniel 

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An Australian tourist is fighting for life in Bali after a horror motorcycle crash.

Daniel Quinn, 30, from Sydney, was found face-down by his friends after he lost consciousness and crashed his motorbike while on holiday.

After being rushed to hospital, doctors found a blood clot in his brain which required life-saving emergency surgery to remove.

Mr Quinn has since undergone extensive surgery and remains in intensive care following the accident on his 30th birthday, just days into his two-week Bali holiday.

His family have made the mercy dash to Bali to be by his side as he prepares to undergo more operations to save him from going blind.

A GoFundMe has been launched to cover his medical expenses, which is nearing its $100,000 goal. 

Daniel Quinn (pictured left with sister Alex) had a horror motorbike crash while holidaying in Bali

A GoFundMe has been launched to cover Daniel’s medical expenses, whichhas already raised $85,000

Mr Quinn’s mother Lesley recalled every parent’s worst nightmare after seeing her son for the first time with bandages wrapped around his head. 

‘I have just experienced a parent’s worst nightmare being told your child has had a traumatic head injury and requires life saving surgery,’ she wrote online.

‘Daniel sustained a huge blood clot on the front of his brain which was causing pressure and pushing his brain down on the base of his skull.

‘Causing him to lose consciousness and the ability to breathe and have any basic skills.’

The accident occurred on his 30th birthday, which his mother said was unbearable.

Before making the mercy dash to Bali, his parents had to sign documents granting Indonesian doctors the ability to perform the operation which saved their son’s life. 

Mr Quinn underwent evacuation craniotomy and cranioplasty to remove the clot, and has had several skin grafts in order to repair the damage to his face caused by the motorcycle crash.

On Tuesday afternoon, Mr Quinn faced another operation to relieve pressure on his optic nerve which hopefully could save him from blindness. 

Any further operations to aid his recovery are now on hold until the family can provide upfront payment, which is required in Bali before surgeons can operate. 

After being found by his friends over five metres from his motorbike, Daniel Quinn was rushed to hospital where doctors performed life-saving surgery 

Ms Quinn revealed that her family has already paid over $70,000 to save Mr Quinn’s life. 

‘Our hands are tied as in Bali no surgery is done without payment first, even if it is life threatening,’ she continued.

‘Bills will continue to rise the longer he stays. 

‘Any form of support would be greatly appreciated for Daniel’s recovery to keep back home safe to Australia.’

The GoFundMe, which was launched on Tuesday, has now gained over $92,000 from generous donations which will be used to support Mr Quinn’s recovery.   

At the time of the incident, he had been holidaying with his sister and their friend before losing consciousness.

Mr Quinn’s friends found him lying face-down on the side of the road, more than five metres away from the motorbike he had been riding. 

His sister immediately called their mother, who was out walking in Sydney with a girlfriend when she got the news of her son’s condition.

In Bali, surgeons cannot operate without being paid first, and any funds recovered from the GoFundMe will go towards further operations and getting him home

After catching the first flight to Bali, airport security prioritised her entry and she rushed to BIMC Hospital Kuta in time to for Mr Quinn’s optic nerve surgery.

‘His brain surgery took place while we were on the flight and we didn’t know what to expect until we got there,’ Ms Quinn told

‘He’s hooked up to a breathing ventilator. He has tubes coming out of every limb.

‘It’s been a nightmare.’

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