Blog Camera tools TikTok Help Center

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To change camera direction while recording:

1. Tap Flip on top right corner of the camera screen.
2. The camera will change to the front or back camera.


To set or adjust the speed while recording:

1. Tap Speed on top right corner of the camera screen.
2. Locate the speed options above the red recording button.
3. Set your desired speed.

Note: Speeds 0.3x and 0.5x will slow the video, 1x is the standard shooting speed, and 2x and 3x will speed up the video.

Video length

Your videos on TikTok can be different lengths:
•  Videos you create on TikTok can be up to 60 seconds long.
•  Videos you upload can be up to 3 minutes long.

For videos recorded in your TikTok app:
1. Tap the + at the bottom.
2. Choose 15s or 60s at the bottom.
   •  If you choose 15s, your video will automatically stop recording after 15 seconds.
   •  If you choose 60s, you can stop recording at any time, or your video will automatically stop recording after 60 seconds.
3. Tap the red button to start and stop recording, then tap the checkmark.
4. Tap Adjust clips in the top right.
5. Slide the red bar left or right to set the length of time needed for your video.
Note: If you select a sound before you record or upload your video, the video length will be determined by the sound length.

For videos you upload:
In the Android or iPhone app
1. Tap the + at the bottom to create a video.
2. Tap Upload at the bottom.
3. Choose the video you’d like to upload, then tap Next.
4. Slide the red bar left or right to set the length of time needed for your video.

On your computer
1. Click the [cloud icon] in the top right.
2. Click Select video to upload.
3. Choose the video you’d like to upload.
When you upload a video on your computer, your entire video will be uploaded. To change the length of the video, upload your video from your Android or iPhone app.

For videos longer than 60 seconds, a few features aren’t available right now:
•  Duet
•  Stitch
Note: Videos longer than 60 seconds can’t include someone else’s content.


Use the timer to record videos without holding down the record button.

To record using the timer:


To turn on flash while recording:

1. Tap +, on the bottom of the screen, to create a video.
2. Tap Flash to turn on the light and tap again to turn off the light.

Note: This feature is only available when you are using your back camera (not in selfie mode).


To zoom in or out while recording:

1. Long press on the camera screen.
2. Hold and move in one direction to zoom out.
3. Hold and return to the original position to zoom in.

Another way to zoom:

1. Open the camera screen by tapping +.
2. Pinch your fingers together or apart to zoom in or out.

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Creating an account

Setting up your profile

Creating a TikTok video