Blog Criteria for Candidates for Vice President

Dalam era yang terus berkembang dengan pesat, informasi telah menjadi komoditas yang tak ternilai harganya. Dari revolusi digital hingga transformasi teknologi, dunia kita kini tenggelam dalam lautan informasi yang tak pernah kering. Artikel ini mengajak kita untuk melangkahkan kaki ke dalam kompleksitas tatanan informasi saat ini, mengeksplorasi tantangan dan peluang yang muncul dalam mengelola dan memahami gelombang informasi yang terus menggulung. Dari algoritma cerdas hingga arus berita yang tak kenal lelah, mari kita telaah bersama bagaimana kita dapat menjadikan informasi sebagai alat untuk mendobrak batasan dan memahami dunia di sekitar kita dengan lebih baik.

Berikut adalah artikel atau berita tentang Harian dengan judul Criteria for Candidates for Vice President yang telah tayang di terimakasih telah menyimak. Bila ada masukan atau komplain mengenai artikel berikut silahkan hubungi email kami di [email protected], Terimakasih.

When the prospective presidential candidates easily appeared in the political arena ahead of the presidential election, political parties are currently faced with the difficulty of choosing a running mate for the prospective presidential candidate. This is evident from the three prominent figures who have emerged, but who are still single and do not have a partner. To choose a potential vice presidential candidate, political parties are seen running around, lobbying here and there, and tirelessly holding political meetings.

Also read: Searching for the Best Vice President

Similarly, Anies Baswedan still does not have a running mate. Although there is a strong issue that the Chairman of the Democratic Party, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY), will be Anies Baswedan’s vice presidential candidate. However, until now there has been no certainty.

The uncertainty of the second position is what makes political parties open themselves up to lobbying and high-level meetings, namely with party founders, chairpersons, and secretaries-general. From these meetings, inter-party meetings occur even if they have formed a coalition or have established poles.

The Gerindra Party, which has already allied with PKB, is still holding a meeting with the Democratic Party. PDI-P held a meeting with the Democratic Party. PDI-P also held a meeting with PKB. And the Gerindra Party visited the Democratic Party’s Secretariat.

From the above explanation, it appears that the party supporting the presidential candidate remains actively conducting lobbying and meetings with other parties until they find a vice-presidential candidate who is deemed the most suitable and appropriate. What are the criteria desired by the party supporting the presidential candidate in choosing a vice-presidential candidate?

It is evident that the supporting political parties for the presidential candidate are still actively conducting lobbying and meetings with other parties until they find the vice presidential candidate that is deemed most suitable and appropriate.

There are several criteria, first, the potential vice presidential candidate has a high electability. This is very important for their presence to increase or strengthen the electability of the potential presidential candidate. Now, if we see, apparently the electability of the potential vice presidential candidates is held by figures outside the party, not the party chairman. The figures outside the party from surveys that have circulated among them are Erick Thohir and Sandiaga Uno.

It is the high electability that makes potential presidential candidates look more towards those with higher support, rather than the party leader with less electability. The choice based on electability is what makes potential presidential candidates courageous or willing to violate existing agreements.

Also read: National Leadership Survey

This is where substantial funding is needed. The available funds are used to mobilize volunteers and political apparatus that support the cause. Therefore, it is necessary to have financial support from certain parties that are capable of covering the victory.

Here is where a figure with high electability and also an entrepreneur will become a choice.

Among those who are able to provide funding are entrepreneurs. This is where a figure with high electability as well as an entrepreneur will become a choice. It is not surprising that figures such as Erick Thohir and Sandiaga Uno, who are successful entrepreneurs, are often eyed and encouraged by political parties to become potential vice presidential candidates because these two individuals can be relied on in terms of funding.

Also read: “Kompas” survey, competition for presidential and vice presidential candidates is getting fierce

The criteria above can be considered as choices for presidential candidates when selecting their running mates. However, it should be reminded to the presidential candidates that winning the election also requires political party infrastructure. The political party infrastructure currently existing in parliament has a wide reach, spreading throughout various provinces, regencies, cities, and even remote islands.

The infrastructure is owned by the party chairman, so choosing a party chairman as deputy vice president must also be used as a reference or choice. It is this infrastructure that will drive the political machine-the political machine in various ways. With the political machine that is able to gain existing voices.

Ardi Winangun, Director Indonesia Political Review (IPR)


Ardi Winangun