Blog David Moyes tells the West Ham United board to get him Harry Maguire

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Berikut adalah artikel atau berita tentang Harian dengan judul David Moyes tells the West Ham United board to get him Harry Maguire yang telah tayang di terimakasih telah menyimak. Bila ada masukan atau komplain mengenai artikel berikut silahkan hubungi email kami di [email protected], Terimakasih.


West Ham United manager David Moyes is desperate to sign Manchester United’s Harry Maguire this summer and won’t take “no” for an answer.

An exorbitant asking price, reported to be £50 million, and a reluctant player who wants to play for “a bigger club” would be enough to put most managers off the idea of pursuing a transfer target further.

However, according to Caughtoffside, “Moyes has informed West Ham’s board that Harry Maguire is the ideal profile to strengthen his side’s backline this summer.

“Despite links emerging with Luiz Felipe, talks with Real Betis have since stalled making the club’s direction in the market, as far as defensive reinforcements are concerned, quite clear.”

The Hammers reportedly made an opening bid of £20 million for the 30 year old last week, which was flatly refused by United.

It was also considered “insulting” by Maguire himself, according to reports.

It is looking more and more as if the London club will return with an improved offer, but whether that will come close to United’s bottom line is unknown.

Recent reports stated that it is generally believed by other clubs that Maguire’s real asking price is closer to the £30-£35 million mark, but that is still almost double West Ham’s first number.

Another issue is Maguire’s £190,000 a week wages (source: There have even been reports claiming that United might have to buy the defender out of his contract because of that millstone around their neck.

The centre back was in action today for United’s second string in a friendly in Dublin against Athletic Bilbao.

The match ended 1-1, Athletic’s goal being scored after a glaring error by Maguire, and the Red Devils’ equaliser on the stroke of full time being assisted by a nod down from the same protagonist. Boss Erik ten Hag twice referred to the defensive error as “stupid” after the game.

Once again, the former United skipper was subjected to boos and ironic cheers from sections of the crowd as his standing at the club continues to dwindle, four years and one day after his mammoth £80 million signing.