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Berikut adalah artikel atau berita tentang Harian dengan judul EA SPORTS FIFA 23 yang telah tayang di terimakasih telah menyimak. Bila ada masukan atau komplain mengenai artikel berikut silahkan hubungi email kami di [email protected], Terimakasih.

Probably the best soccer game

EA Sports’ classic FIFA has become EA SPORTS FIFA 23 for the 22-23 season, anticipating the name it will receive as of July 2023, EA Sports FC, due to the end of its association with the entity that organizes soccer games on a worldwide level. But while this transition takes place, we will be able to download EA SPORTS FIFA 23 for PC to enjoy another edition of this veteran saga of soccer games considered, for a good number of gamers, the best soccer game currently available.

It needs no introduction as it is the most popular soccer video game of this generation, sorry eFootball 2023 (formerly known as PES), and it has millions of players around the world. The reason for its popularity is that it offers a gaming experience that is difficult to match, graphics that improve year after year, and the always attractive incentive of having the official squads of all the soccer teams that are part of its database (a great advantage compared to its great rival Konami) along with the most important national and international official competitions

This new edition of the soccer simulator has been updated for the 2022-2023 season with improvements regarding graphics, gameplay, and, of course, new content, such as the current lineups of all the teams in its database including the lineups of the women’s soccer teams.

What’s new in FIFA 23

We already know what the historical virtues of the famous EA Sports soccer game are. But what makes it special for the 2022-2023 season? How has it improved? These are all the new features available once we download EA SPORTS FIFA 23 for PC:

  • The HyperMotion graphics engine arrives on PC, giving the action an even greater realism than in previous versions.
  • It will be updated for the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar and the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup in Australia and New Zealand, which will arrive as updates.
  • Cross-platform support is introduced for FIFA Ultimate Team’s 1-on-1 mode, online seasons, friendly matches, and more.
  • The women’s national teams are introduced.
  • Now, the PC version is compatible with PlayStation, and Xbox controllers.
  • FIFA Career mode gains authenticity with new gameplay mechanics.
  • Pro Clubs have arrived, meaning more customization of the teams.
  • The database is updated with over 19,000 players, 700 teams, 100 stadiums, and 30 leagues.