Blog Facing Various Challenges Subak Conservation in Bali Needs Joint Support

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Concerns were raised during the Bali International Field School for Subak (BIFSS) 2023 field activity in Selat Village, Selat District, Karangasem Regency, Bali on Monday (24/7/2023).

Subak expert, who is also the Rector of Dwijendra University in Denpasar, I Gede Sedana said that subaks in Bali continue to be eroded. Apart from the impact of land use conversion, subaks are also pressed by competition for water supply.

“The survey results also showed that subak members are relatively older with more than 50 years of age,” said Sedana.

Also read: Tourism Riots Signal the Destruction of Subak in Bali


The Bali International Field School for Subak (BIFSS) was held in Selat Village, Selat District, Karangasem Regency. The BIFSS 2023 event was organized by the Indonesian Heritage Conservation Foundation (BPPI) together with the Yayasan Bali Kuna Santi and Yayasan Arsari Djojohadikusumo, held from July 23-28, 2023. The atmosphere during the material presentation session by subak experts, who is also the Rector of Dwijendra University, Denpasar, I Gede Sedana (wearing a red shirt) on Monday (24/7/2023).

Sedana added that the regeneration of subak members in Bali is also not running smoothly. Few and rare members from the younger generation are willing to cultivate.

In addition to the fact that the education level of the younger generation in Bali is improving, there is also a perception that farming does not provide economic benefits.

“Farmers who are relatively old cannot be avoided. Young people cannot be forced into farming, unless it provides the possibility of high economic benefits, for example, urban farming,” said Sedana.

The Chairperson of the BPPI Steering Council, Catrini Pratihari Kubontubuh, stated that subak is a valuable cultural heritage. Bali is fortunate to have subak as it is the home of cultural, social, spiritual, ritual, and traditional elements.

“This subak is a legacy from our ancestors. It would be a shame if it is not utilized and preserved,” said Catrini.

According to Sedana, economic factors have also contributed to the lack of attention towards agriculture in Indonesia, including subak in Bali.

The majority of farmers in Indonesia, including those in Bali, known as Sedana, manage small plots of land, less than half a hectare per farmer. Many of these subak farmers are also laborers.

“The farmer’s income is very small,” said Sedana.


The Bali International Field School for Subak (BIFSS) held a school field activity in Selat Village, Selat District, Karangasem Regency.


On the other hand, the fulfillment of food and food security becomes important and fundamental. Sedana stated that the threat of a food crisis is becoming a global issue.

“The main tool in fulfilling and sustaining food security is paddy fields and the existence of human resources, namely farmers,” said Sedana.

Sedana added that besides being a source of food, subak in Bali also plays a role in rural and urban development. Rice fields also play a role in controlling the impact of climate change.

“Rice fields can function as absorption and storage for rainwater. Therefore, (rice fields) have ecological benefits,” said Sedana.

Also read: Regeneration of Farmers to Maintain the Existence of Subak in Bali


The Bali International Field School for Subak (BIFSS) was held in Selat Village, Selat District, Karangasem Regency. The BIFSS 2023 event will be held by the Indonesian Heritage Foundation (BPPI) in collaboration with the Bali Kuna Santi Foundation and the Arsari Djojohadikusumo Foundation, starting from July 23-28, 2023.

“I believe that Indonesian farmers are capable of producing quality rice products that can be exported,” said Kyohei.

“”Support from the industry and the government is needed to develop agriculture and at the same time open up markets,” said Sedana.”