Blog Footage shows Lionel Messi in disbelief after Kylian Mbappe bumped into him

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Christophe Galtier’s side left the Parc des Princes with all three points on Saturday night as goals from Falaye Sacko [OG], Neymar [2], Kylian Mbappe and Renato Sanches sealed an emphatic 5-2 win.

But away from the scoreline and a couple of incidents involving goalscorer Mbappe somewhat overshadowed the result.

Image credit: Alamy

PSG were handed another spot-kick 20 minutes later and after a brief chat with Mbappe, who looked like he wanted to take another penalty, a confident Neymar converted with ease.

Footage has since emerged showing the build-up to that controversial penalty incident.

As you can see in the clip below, Mbappe approaches Neymar after the penalty was awarded, shouting his name as he made his way to the area.

French publication L’Equipe claim Paris Saint-Germain manager Christophe Galtier and sporting director Luis Campos will sit down with both Mbappe and Neymar to resolve the recent tension between both players.

In a seperate incident during Saturday’s game, Mbappe appeared to stop running during a counter attack.

PSG manager Galtier played down the incident after the full-time whistle. “Kylian played his last game three weeks ago so I knew it was going to be tough on a physical level for him,” he told Canal Plus.

“He’s a competitor. He wants to be good and he wants to be good quickly, but a top footballer is not on and off like that; it takes a little time to regain 100 per cent of his athletic abilities.

“When he’s at 100 per cent, he’ll make the difference even more. These are players who like to score, who want to score, who attack. It’s a bit normal for him to be disappointed at being a little short physically compared to his teammates.”