Blog Hold Persib Bandung draw Bali United topped the standings

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The additional point gained from the match lifted Serdadu Tridatu squad to the top of the temporary standings in the sixth week with a total of 10 points. Meanwhile, for Persib Bandung, the draw result from the match against Bali United still placed the team led by coach Bojan Hodak in the top 10 of the temporary standings.

However, the draw result in the match against Bali United is a positive note for the Maung Bandung squad, which shows an improvement in the defense line.

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The Bali United players gathered at the Gelora Bandung Lautan Api Stadium in Bandung, West Java. Bali United held Persib Bandung to a draw in an away match on Thursday (3/8/2023) in the sixth week of the BRI Liga 1 2023/2024.

Pressure on Bali United was also exerted through set pieces, both from corner kicks and free kicks. However, Bali United’s defense was still able to withstand the onslaughts launched by David da Silva and his teammates. On the contrary, Bali United also launched counterattacks against the opposing team led by Mohammed Bassim Ahmed Rashid, who once played for Maung Bandung.

In the second half, Persib Bandung did not relieve their pressure, instead increasing the intensity of their attacks. Coach Bojan Hodak introduced Levy Clement Madinda as a substitute for Ezra Harm Ruud Walian to add to Persib Bandung’s attacking power. Conversely, Bali United strengthened their defense line by playing I Kadek Agung Widnyana Putra, a midfielder capable of helping Bali United’s defense line.

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I think this one point is enough for us.


Bali United player Jefferson Mateus de Assis Estacio (left) heads the ball past a Persib Bandung defender during a match at Gelora Bandung Lautan Api Stadium, Bandung City, West Java. Bali United held Persib Bandung to a draw in an away match on Thursday (3/8/2023) in the sixth week of the 2023/2024 BRI Liga 1 season.

“The match earlier was very tight,” said young defender of Bali United, Kadek Arel Priyatna. Kadek Arel stated that he and the team were grateful for the goalless draw result in the away match against Persib Bandung, even though they aimed for a victory against Persib Bandung.”

Bali United coach Alessandro Stefano Cugurra Rodrigues stated that the team has worked hard in the away game against Persib Bandung. The coach from Brazil, who is commonly known as Teco, acknowledged that Persib Bandung has shown a positive change under the guidance of coach Bojan Hodak. “I think one point is enough for us,” said Teco.

Meanwhile, midfielder of Persib Bandung Beckham Putra Nugraha said that the Persib Bandung squad had tried their best in the match. Beckham stated that the Persib Bandung players were able to show a compact game so that they could secure the goal from being conceded. “However, we couldn’t score,” said Beckham after the match.

Persib Bandung coach Bojan Hodak also gave appreciation to his players. Bojan admitted that he was happy to see the performance of Persib Bandung, both from the main players and substitutes, who played in the match against Bali United. “We respect Bali United because they are a good team. We managed to prevent them from scoring, played compactly, and had the chance to score,” said Bojan.