Blog Hospitality School in Bali

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PIB College is a state-of-the-art hospitality school in Bali that provides a world-class education to aspiring students who want to make their name in the hospitality and tourism industry. Founded in 2017, this institution is home to national and international students from various backgrounds and provides premium  facilities to support them kick start their careers. By offering an ideal learning environment, PIB College is dedicated to become the best hospitality school Bali that is able to produce budding entrepreneurs and tourism and hospitality enthusiasts who want to build a brilliant career.

Politeknik Internasional Bali is a state-of-the-art hospitality school in Bali that provides a world-class education to aspiring students who want to make their name in the hospitality and tourism industry. Founded in 2017, this institution is home to national and international students from various backgrounds and provides premium  facilities to support them kick start their careers. 

By offering an ideal learning environment, Politeknik Internasional Bali is dedicated to become the best hospitality school Bali that is able to produce budding entrepreneurs and tourism and hospitality enthusiasts who want to build a brilliant career.

Hospitality Campus
in Bali

The history of this prestigious institute is quite astounding. The initial concept came from the founders who sparked the idea to build the Bali International Training and Development Center (BITDeC), an education and training center in Bali. Seeing the development of the tourism sector in Bali, BITDeC representatives decided to establish a special educational and training institution in the tourism sector to provide even better educational facilities.

In 2013, BITDeC representatives visited Dusit Thani Hospitality College, a tourism campus located in Thailand, to partner with the institute to establish PIB College as a well-developed vocational school. PIB College becomes the first learning institution in the country which is dedicated to tourism and hospitality entrepreneurs, claiming the nickname tourismpreneur. As the hospitality school Bali, PIB College helps the government achieve its goal of reducing unemployment by training and grooming a skilled workforce who is destined to make strides in the hospitality and tourism industries. 

The history of this prestigious institute is quite astounding. The initial concept came from the founders who sparked the idea to build the Bali International Training and Development Center (BITDeC), an education and training center in Bali. Seeing the development of the tourism sector in Bali, BITDeC representatives decided to establish a special educational and training institution in the tourism sector to provide even better educational facilities.

In 2013, BITDeC representatives visited Dusit Thani Hospitality College, a tourism campus located in Thailand, to partner with the institute to establish Politeknik Internasional Bali as a well-developed vocational school. Politeknik Internasional Bali becomes the first learning institution in the country which is dedicated to tourism and hospitality entrepreneurs, claiming the nickname tourismpreneur. As the hospitality school Bali, PIB helps the government achieve its goal of reducing unemployment by training and grooming a skilled workforce who is destined to make strides in the hospitality and tourism industries. 

Combining 3 important elements, namely taste, art (the art of presenting dishes), and the science of nutrition, the Culinary Arts program prepares students to become professional workers in the culinary industry. Learning experiences through practical learning, entrepreneurship, leadership, and exclusive learning about traditional culinary and Balinese dishes will also be part of the Culinary Arts program.

Hotel management school which is specifically designed for individuals who have dreams of becoming entrepreneurs or professional workers in the field of Hospitality. Students will be prepared through practical learning experience, provision of entrepreneurship, leadership, foreign languages, financial management, and other knowledge related to the hotel industry.

An event management school which is comprehensively structured and supported by the best facilities in the form of an event venue laboratory and a virtual event production studio with sophisticated equipment and international industry standards. PIB College students will be prepared to become professional workers in the Event industry in general as well as in the fields of Meetings, Incentives, Convention/Conference, and Exhibition (MICE).

Prepare PIB College students who have dreams of becoming technopreneurs and professional workers in the digital field. Students will be specifically given access to learning experiences through practical learning, entrepreneurship briefing, big data, cyber security, digital marketing, start-up business, and other related knowledge.



As a hospitality campus with a more practical class composition compared to the theoretical-classes, the PIB College has teachers who not only come from academics but also experts who have been directly involved in the industry. With decades of experience in real industry, the key leaders will provide relevant knowledge for PIB College students to achieve their dreams of becoming an entrepreneur or professional worker.

The First Resort-Themed Campus on 15-Hectares of Land
Equipped with the Best International Standard Facilities
Comprehensive Curriculum Set by Key Players in the Hospitality and MICE Industry
Internship Opportunities in the USA, Dubai, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand
Emphasising Tourismpreneurship, focusing on entrepreneurship in tourism
Using the latest state on the art technology in all of its learning program
Located in Bali the Centre of Tourism in Indonesia

PIB College is dedicated to being the top hospitality school in Bali by  upholding the GIVER:

  • Genuine
  • Impactful
  • Visionary
  • Excellent
  • Respectful

By employing sincere, dedicated and visionary lecturers and professionals, PIB College wants to be a hospitality campus Bali that helps aspiring tourism and hospitality entrepreneurs to find their true calling and do their best in their field.  All PIB College lecturers stem from the same vision, which is to ensure success, growth, and development to form excellent students. Its work ethic is also based on the value of respect for each stakeholder so that they can work together respectfully.

Our Programs

PIB College offers a wide range of programs – from traditional culinary arts to digital business programs. Potential students have four categories to choose from: D3 Culinary Arts, D4 Hotel Management, D4 Event Management, and D4 Digital Business. 

The four excellent study programs have their own uniqueness that can lead students to their career goals.

PIB College is committed to realising their goals by encouraging students to become professional workers as well as entrepreneurs who open up many jobs in the tourism and hospitality fields. This goal is realised through the implementation of the Tourismpreneurship Curriculum, namely the provision of entrepreneurship (entrepreneurs) in the field of tourism (tourism). Students will be equipped with various skills through an experience-based learning process with a more practical composition than theory. PIB College also provides scholarships that can prepare students to become “leaders” in the industrial era 4.0.