Blog How gangs on TikTok are making millions from taking YOUR speeding points and fines for 250 a go

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GANGS on TikTok are making “millions” by taking drivers’ speeding points and fines for £250 a go, it has been reported.

The scammers tell social media users that they can make fines “disappear”.

Gangs are promoting their speeding scams on social mediaCredit: Facebook Marketplace
They help drivers dodge speeding fines for a feeCredit: Facebook Marketplace

Charging between, £250 and £800, they explain that they will fill out a Notice of Intended Prosecution (NIP) with a fake name and address.

Cops end up hunting the made-up driver who the form says was behind the wheel – letting the real motorist get away with the alleged offence.

The gangs often use innocent people’s details, with one address in Oldham near Manchester listed 140 times.

Matt Smith, 48, from Reading, was disqualified from driving by the DVLA after receiving more than 12 points for offences he did not commit.

The offences happened in Norwich, Northampton, Maidstone and London in cars which Matt never owned or drove.

Travelling salesman Matt, who uses his car every day, had to visit four different courts to get the miscarriage of justice overturned.

He told the Mail: “I was genuinely frightened that they would take my job away from me.

“The people doing this are absolute lowlifes. It makes me so angry that they’re using this to scam people. I think it’s just outrageous.”

Cops said that the scammers are linked to Organised Criminal Groups, which is police jargon for top gangs.

One “NIP farm” in Manchester is thought to have made over £1million by getting rid of 2,000 speeding fines.

Gvido Trankalis, 24, from Burnley in Lancashire, is the only fraudster to be convicted over the scam.

He was jailed for 20 months last October after posing with designer bags while holidaying on the Italian island of Capri.

It comes after former Man Utd star Jesse Lingard was banned from driving after he failed to name the driver when his car was caught speeding.

The midfielder’s Range Rover was flashed by a speed camera on the A56 in Trafford last year.

Lingard, 30, then failed to give police the the name of the driver when he received a speeding notice at his home.

He pleaded guilty to failing to provide information about who was driving his vehicle at Manchester Magistrates’ Court.

The star was fined £900 with a further £560 in costs and banned from the roads for six months.

The ban came under a “totting up” process as Lingard already had points on his licence from two previous speeding offences.

His lawyer claimed he was not the driver but missed the letter telling him to provide the drivers’ details as it went to his old address in Manchester while he was then living in Nottingham.