Blog How to Get Verified on TikTok

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Unlike on Facebook, Instagram, and (previously) Twitter, you can’t request TikTok verification through an application process.

Instead, the platform has a dedicated team that seeks out creators, brands, and influencers to grant a badge — so you’ll have to be selected to receive this checkmark.

However, there are a number of factors TikTok does consider when dolling out checks — like how active you are on the platform and whether your profile is public.

While there’s no surefire way to get verified, meeting TikTok’s criteria and following these six steps can certainly stack the chips in your favor:

  1. Be Consistent

  2. Go Viral

  3. Keep Your Audience Engaged

  4. Grow Your Following

  5. Get Featured in the Media

  6. Request Verification on Other Platforms

Step #1: Be Consistent

Being consistent on TikTok and creating engaging content is your ticket to success on the platform.

Demonstrate your ability to keep up with TikTok’s constant influx of trends and produce creative videos that have the potential to go viral.

Step #2: Go Viral

Going viral on TikTok can be huge — leading to thousands of views and new followers overnight.

And if you regularly land a coveted spot on the FYP, it can signal to the TikTok team that you’re one to watch.

Ready to reach millions of viewers? Check out our blog post:  How to Get on TikTok’s For You Page.

Step #3: Keep Your Audience Engaged

Go beyond posting and ghosting — you’ve got to actually engage with your community.

That means showing up in the comments section, following similar accounts, and interacting with users on the app:

Spending 10-15 minutes every day engaging with your community can make a huge difference.

Step #4: Grow Your Following

Another way to get on the TikTok team’s radar? Growing your community.

Luckily, TikTok is one of the best platforms for growth — you can get hundreds of thousands of followers in less than a year.

Take Vivian of @coffeebae97 whose hit almost 1M followers since starting her account in 2020:

TIP: Use strategic hashtags and trending sounds to help put your content in front of people who’ll hit follow.

PSA: If you need help finding the latest TikTok trends, bookmark this weekly TikTok trends resource!

TikTok is no place to be shy about your accomplishments — it’ll actually strengthen your authority and establish your account as a thought leader.

Whether it’s a magazine mention, a YouTube clip, or a guest appearance on a podcast, spotlighting your achievements can legitimize your reputation.

Every media mention helps!

Having a blue checkmark next to your username on other platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter will help prove that you’re an account worth awarding verification status.

If you’re not already verified on said platforms, it’s time to get the ball rolling.

At the end of the day, a blue checkmark is not the be-all-end-all to a worthy TikTok account.

While it’s an added bonus, don’t spend too much time trying to get verified on TikTok. Your best bet is to continue creating engaging content and the rest will fall into place.

Ready to kick-start your TikTok strategy? Join Later today to plan and schedule all your TikTok content in advance!