Blog Introducing more ways to create and connect with TikTok Now

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Entertain and share your moments with your friends

TikTok Now is the newest way to be entertained and connect with others on TikTok – a daily photo and video experience to share your most authentic moments with the people who matter the most. TikTok Now brings the authenticity of TikTok to a whole new creative experience that connects you with those closest to you.

Making possible deeper connection and entertainment in a fun format, TikTok Now invites you and your friends to capture what you’re doing in the moment using your device’s front and back camera. You’ll receive a daily prompt to capture a 10-second video or a static photo to easily share what you’re up to.

We’re experimenting with TikTok Now over the coming weeks. In the US, TikTok Now can be accessed from the TikTok app. In other regions, TikTok Now may be availableĀ as a new TikTok Now app, too. We’ll continue to enhance the user experience as we learn more about how the TikTok community embraces this new creative format.

Empowering you to stay in control of your TikTok experience

We’ve designed TikTok Now with the safety and privacy of our community in mind. Creators are in control of deciding who can view or engage with their content. They can block others and choose which comments appear on their content. And if someone comes across behavior they believe may violate our Community Guidelines, they can report it for review.

We carefully consider the safety of our community when we introduce new features, and continue to take further steps to help support the safety and well-being of teens in particular:

  • If someone under the age of 16 creates an account to use the TikTok Now app, just like TikTok, their account will be private by default
  • Those under the age of 18 will not be able to share their content on the Explore feed
  • People aged between 13 and 15 will have commenting options limited to Friends only to help protect against unwanted interactions

Those 18 and over have additional sharing options. In addition to sharing with mutual friends, they can opt to share their posts with the broader TikTok Now community based on the privacy settings they have chosen. The default setting is ‘Friends can view.’ To change your privacy settings for TikTok Now:

  • On the Post screen, tap Friends can view.
  • Choose who you’d like to allow to view your TikTok Now posts. Friends can view: Anyone who follows you, and you follow back can view your TikTok Now.Everyone: Anyone in your area can view your TikTok Now posts. Keep in mind, people that don’t follow you or you don’t follow back can’t comment or interact with your TikTok Now posts.

Discover TikTok and join our community by simply downloading the app for free via the Apple App Store, Google Play or Amazon.