Blog Lionel Messi Biography Family Education

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Name (Real Name) Lionel Messi
Profession Argentine professional footballer
Nationality Argentina
Professional debut in football August 4, 2004, against Hungary
jersey number 10
Zodiac Aquarius
Coach/Mentor Salvador Aparicio, Frank Rijkaard, Pep Guardiola
Position Forward
Hometown Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina
Religion Roman Catholic
Date of Birth 24 June 1987
Name of the father Jorge Horacio Messi
Name of the mother Celia Maria Katchitini
Name of the brothers Mattias Messi and Rodrigo Messi are their brothers.
Name of the sister Maria Sol Messi
Name of his wife Antonella Roccuzzo
Date of marriage June 30, 2017
Messi son name Thiago Messi and Matteo Messi

Life and Struggle

He was a huge football fan. He used to work on himself constantly. Every day, he was getting better. He started playing when he was just eight years old, during that very young age when he got the football in his strike and the players who were playing beside him. It would have taken around 15 to 20 minutes to take the football away from him. The local populace used to throw money for joy when they saw his game. His potential as a football player was evident to his family. He was really content with his life. He was enjoying it immensely. He wanted to play football professionally when he grew up, so he represented his country.

Personal Life

Initial Achievements

World best footballer for 7th time

Net Worth

  • He was discovered to have been engaged in the following controversies:
  • He was under scrutiny in 2013 for possible tax evasion. His identity was also disclosed in the 2016 Panama Papers data breach.
  • In addition, he was the subject of criticism after declaring his retirement from international football due to his defeat at the Copa America competition.
  • Messi was arrested off the football pitch in July 2016 after a Barcelona court found him and his father guilty of three tax fraud charges. During the four-day trial, Messi and his father argued that they had not broken any laws and were unaware of tax fraud. He received a 21-month sentence, nevertheless. According to Spanish legislation, Messi and his father would have to pay a fine of 2 million euros if the charges were suspended within two years instead of going to jail.
  • In this way, he experienced various difficulties throughout his professional life.