Blog Lionel Messi Receives Offers From Two Big European Clubs Reports

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The Argentine is football’s most desired future free agent with current employers Paris Saint-Germain announcing at the weekend that he will not continue with them past the expiry of his contract on June 30.

The names of the two new clubs in question have not yet been revealed, but it is believed they could come from the Premier

In recent times, El Nacional reported that City’s crosstown rivals Manchester United would like to land the 35-year-old and his PSG teammate Neymar who could be sold this summer.

Ronaldo topped Forbes’ list of the World’s Highest-Paid Athletes in 2023 with earnings of $136 million thanks to his January switch from Manchester United.

For example, Barca were reported as being ready to offer him €25 million ($27.5 million) a term on a two-season deal by SPORT.