Blog Lionel Messi reportedly chooses Inter Miami MLS over Barca and Saudi Arabia

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Lionel Messi has played many games in the United States over the years. Now he’s coming to MLS. (Photo by Lev Radin/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images)

After days of momentum and a years-long pursuit, MLS and Miami won a three-horse race with Barcelona and Saudi Arabia to sign the world’s greatest player.

In a statement, MLS said that “work remains to finalize a formal agreement,” but it concluded: “we look forward to welcoming one of the greatest soccer players of all time to our league.”

“If the Barcelona [deal] didn’t work out, I wanted to leave Europe, get out of the spotlight, and think more about my family,” he said.

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His move to the U.S. will likely bring an end to his European adventure, and to his dominance of elite club soccer. MLS, for all its growth, sits outside the sport’s Euro-centric spotlight, and well below Spain or France in any ranking of the world’s top domestic competitions.