Blog Lionel Messi says Van Gaal disrespected him before WC win

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But two late goals from Dutch substitute Wout Weghorst, the second off the back of a free kick in the 11th minute of stoppage time, sent the match to extra time and eventually a penalty shootout.

The contest, though, got increasingly heated. At one point Leandro Paredes blasted the ball in the direction of the Netherlands bench before Dutch captain Virgil van Dijk responded by knocking Paredes to the ground.

Goalkeeper Emiliano Martinez, who was the hero for Argentina in the shootout by saving the Netherlands’ first two efforts from Van Dijk and Steven Berghuis, similarly had strong words for Van Gaal.

“I heard Van Gaal saying ‘we’ve got an advantage on penalties, if we go to penalties we win,'” Martinez said. “I think he needs to keep his mouth shut.”

“If you talk they sanction you; FIFA must think about it, they can’t put a referee who isn’t up to the task for these instances.”

Added Martinez: “I thought we controlled the game really well. We went 2-0 up but the ref started to give everything to them.

“He gave free kicks outside the box for them two, three times. He just wanted them to score, that’s basically it, so hopefully we don’t have that ref anymore. He’s useless.”

Argentina’s win puts them through to their fifth World Cup semifinal and second in the past three tournaments, where they will take on Brazil’s conquerors Croatia.

“Argentina shows game by game that we know how to play. We came out with intensity and desire and we understood the moments of the game.

“We needed this and we are happy the whole country is celebrating now. [Martinez] once again showed that he’s the best saving penalties.

“Croatia is a great team. They move the ball very well, they have been working together for a long time, it will be very hard.”