Blog Lionel Messi takes centre stage in Argentinas organic outpouring of joy

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You would be forgiven for missing it last Thursday evening, amid the excitement of England’s win in Italy or the sacking of Julian Nagelsmann at Bayern Munich, but there was a brief moment, captured in Buenos Aires, where football turned its best trick, creating a moment so full of togetherness that one felt grateful just to watch, even if it was on a laptop or a phone a few thousand miles away.

The lyrics, written by a fan and adopted by a nation over the World Cup, were everywhere in Qatar, both in the stands and Argentina’s dressing room. Muchachos is a story of redemption – “how many years I cried for the finals that we lost” – and the rendition on Thursday was that of a dream realised, an organic outpouring of joy. There were no lyrics left on the seats, no choreography, no backing singer, no commentary, distractions or agenda. No Gazprom hoardings, no Salt Bae with a selfie stick, no cutaway shots of Gianni Infantino looking smug in the posh seats. It was a pure and astounding moment.

“Boys, now we’re dreaming again
I want to win it for the third time
I want to be world champion
And Diego, we can see him up in heaven
With Don Diego [Maradona’s father] and Tota [his mother]
Cheering on Lionel.”

Lionel Messi celebrates after scoring in the friendly win over Panama, Argentina’s first game since winning the World Cup in December Photograph: Juan Mabromata/AFP/Getty Images

With the match selling out in less than a minute, another feverish atmosphere awaits in Santiago del Estero, the last chance for fans to celebrate their World Cup heroes before another qualifying campaign begins later this year. Whatever goals and songs are to come, it will take some doing to match the Monumental.