Blog Lionel Messi to Paris SaintGermain Live news updates rumors as exBarcelona star agrees to PSG move

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“The truth is that this is very difficult for me. I spent my whole life here, I was not really prepared. It is our home, we always overcame our well-being and it is our home.

“I gave everything for this club and I leave happy with my work for the club. I would have liked to say goodbye in a different way. I never imagined my last day — I would have liked to do it with fans on the pitch. I would have loved to hear a last ovation from them.”

Agreeing to La Liga’s proposed sale of a 10 percent stake in the competition to private equity firm CVC would have allowed Barca to keep their greatest ever player but they are refusing to back that deal.

Laporta was keen to lay the blame for the club’s financial chaos at the door of his predecessor Josep Maria Bartomeu and revealed that Barcelona are on course to loss nearly $600 million for the 2020-21 season. 

Although he ultimately relented on taking Barcelona to court in order to get out of the last year of his contract, he contractual situation was never fully settled.