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United Now is your first destination whether it’s matchday or not – it’s home to our unrivalled live in-game coverage and analysis from the manager, players, reporters and expert pundits. On non-matchdays it’s where you’ll find get breaking news, must-watch videos and much more to keep you entertained.

On Matchday our real-time data-driven Match Centre shows you everything from line-ups and formations to in-depth live player and team performance data. From United Now, tap the pitch icon (top right) or edge swipe right to left. In Match Centre you can find Line-ups for both teams, including formations, and our rich live match stats view:

Influencers: see which players are making the biggest impact statistically, live as the action happens – with each player ranked by Opta’s live scoring system and an overall influencer rating out of 100%.

Head-to-Head: compare player stats side-by-side, for opponents and team-mates – tap on any player from the Influencers screen to view more detailed stats and compare them with other players on the pitch

Team Stats & Momentum: see which team is dominating and how is the power shifting in real-time – plus you can delve into a comprehensive range of live team stats as the game unfolds

Predictions: play and win with United Predictions – guess the line-up, correct score, first scorer and United’s Man of the Match. Check back during and after the match to see how many points you scored.

If you want to relive an old match, simply go to Fixtures (swipe left to right from United Now or tap the calendar icon top left). Tap Matchday Review for match highlights, minute-by-minute commentary and analysis, line-ups and all the stats detailed above.