Blog Manchester United 01 Real Sociedad Europa League as it happened Europa League

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Berikut adalah artikel atau berita tentang Harian dengan judul Manchester United 01 Real Sociedad Europa League as it happened Europa League yang telah tayang di terimakasih telah menyimak. Bila ada masukan atau komplain mengenai artikel berikut silahkan hubungi email kami di [email protected], Terimakasih.

Real Sociedad score against, and then beat, Manchester United for the first time in their history. The penalty decision that went in their favour was dubious, but La Real’s overall performance was highly decent. They celebrate a famous victory on an otherwise sombre evening at Old Trafford.”,”elementId”:”460c03e4-d7f9-4276-9cbf-82f04686f0af”},{“_type”:”model.dotcomrendering.pageElements.ImageBlockElement”,”media”:{“allImages”:[{“index”:0,”fields”:{“height”:”1474″,”width”:”2194″},”mediaType”:”Image”,”mimeType”:”image/jpeg”,”url”:””},{“index”:1,”fields”:{“isMaster”:”true”,”height”:”1474″,”width”:”2194″},”mediaType”:”Image”,”mimeType”:”image/jpeg”,”url”:””},{“index”:2,”fields”:{“height”:”1344″,”width”:”2000″},”mediaType”:”Image”,”mimeType”:”image/jpeg”,”url”:””},{“index”:3,”fields”:{“height”:”672″,”width”:”1000″},”mediaType”:”Image”,”mimeType”:”image/jpeg”,”url”:””},{“index”:4,”fields”:{“height”:”336″,”width”:”500″},”mediaType”:”Image”,”mimeType”:”image/jpeg”,”url”:””},{“index”:5,”fields”:{“height”:”94″,”width”:”140″},”mediaType”:”Image”,”mimeType”:”image/jpeg”,”url”:””}]},”data”:{“alt”:”Casemiro reacts at the final whistle as Manchester United lose at home.”,”caption”:”Casemiro reacts at the final whistle as Manchester United lose at home.”,”credit”:”Photograph: Craig Brough/Reuters”},”displayCredit”:true,”role”:”inline”,”imageSources”:[{“weighting”:”inline”,”srcSet”:[{“src”:””,”width”:620},{“src”:””,”width”:1240},{“src”:”″,”width”:605},{“src”:””,”width”:1210},{“src”:”″,”width”:445},{“src”:”″,”width”:890}]},{“weighting”:”thumbnail”,”srcSet”:[{“src”:””,”width”:140},{“src”:”″,”width”:280},{“src”:”″,”width”:120},{“src”:”″,”width”:240}]},{“weighting”:”supporting”,”srcSet”:[{“src”:””,”width”:380},{“src”:”″,”width”:760},{“src”:””,”width”:300},{“src”:”″,”width”:600},{“src”:””,”width”:620},{“src”:””,”width”:1240},{“src”:”″,”width”:605},{“src”:””,”width”:1210},{“src”:”″,”width”:445},{“src”:”″,”width”:890}]},{“weighting”:”showcase”,”srcSet”:[{“src”:”″,”width”:860},{“src”:””,”width”:1720},{“src”:””,”width”:780},{“src”:””,”width”:1560},{“src”:””,”width”:620},{“src”:””,”width”:1240},{“src”:”″,”width”:605},{“src”:””,”width”:1210},{“src”:”″,”width”:445},{“src”:”″,”width”:890}]},{“weighting”:”halfwidth”,”srcSet”:[{“src”:””,”width”:620},{“src”:””,”width”:1240},{“src”:”″,”width”:605},{“src”:””,”width”:1210},{“src”:”″,”width”:445},{“src”:”″,”width”:890}]},{“weighting”:”immersive”,”srcSet”:[{“src”:”″,”width”:1900},{“src”:”″,”width”:3800},{“src”:”″,”width”:1300},{“src”:”″,”width”:2600},{“src”:”″,”width”:1140},{“src”:”″,”width”:2280},{“src”:”″,”width”:980},{“src”:””,”width”:1960},{“src”:”″,”width”:740},{“src”:””,”width”:1480},{“src”:”″,”width”:660},{“src”:”″,”width”:1320},{“src”:”″,”width”:480},{“src”:”″,”width”:960}]}],”elementId”:”7a862ac9-be9b-4465-922c-895a35c852bb”}],”attributes”:{“pinned”:false,”keyEvent”:true,”summary”:false},”blockCreatedOn”:1662670344000,”blockCreatedOnDisplay”:”21.52 BST”,”blockLastUpdated”:1662670574000,”blockLastUpdatedDisplay”:”21.56 BST”,”blockFirstPublished”:1662670499000,”blockFirstPublishedDisplay”:”21.54 BST”,”blockFirstPublishedDisplayNoTimezone”:”21.54″,”title”:”FULL TIME: Manchester United 0-1 Real Sociedad”,”contributors”:[],”primaryDateLine”:”Thu 8 Sep 2022 22.06 BST”,”secondaryDateLine”:”First published on Thu 8 Sep 2022 18.45 BST”},{“id”:”631a4e3d8f0804237ace552d”,”elements”:[{“_type”:”model.dotcomrendering.pageElements.TextBlockElement”,”html”:”

Mendez slots powerfully into the bottom-right corner. De Gea nearly got there … in fact he might have got something on it … but it was powerfully struck and perfectly placed. La Real take the lead.

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57 min: The corner’s worked to Silva, who attempts to send a curler into the top-left corner. His shot hits Martinez on the hip, then up onto his arm. The referee points to the spot, then books Fernandes for complaining. But VAR will check …

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The whistle goes at the end of an unsurprisingly low-key first half.

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Manchester United: de Gea, Dalot, Lindelof, Maguire, Malacia, Eriksen, Casemiro, Fred, Antony, Ronaldo, Elanga.
Subs: Martinez, Bruno Fernandes, Varane, Heaton, Sancho, Wan-Bissaka, Dubravka, McTominay, Garnacho.


Real Sociedad: Remiro, Gorosabel, Elustondo, Pacheco, Munoz, Zubimendi, Mendez, Merino, Silva, Sadiq, Kubo.
Subs: Sola, Illarramendi, Zubeldia, Barrenetxea, Cho, Zubiaurre, Guevara, Navarro, Sorloth, Turrientes, Gonzalez, Karrikaburu.


Referee: Marco Di Bello (Italy).

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Yes, yes, Manchester United would rather be in the Champions League. But whenever they contest the Europa League, they take it seriously. The last two times they’ve started at the group stage, they’ve either gone on to win the competition (2017) or make it to the semis (2020). The last time they were parachuted into the competition from the Champions League, they reached the final (2021). If recent history is anything to go by, they’ll embark on another deep run this time round.


Erik ten Hag is likely to name a much-changed side from the 3-1 win over Arsenal. Casemiro could make his full debut, while newly styled bit-part players Cristiano Ronaldo and Harry Maguire may also start. Another run to the business end of the Europa League starts here? Kick off is at 8pm BST. It’s on!

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Read Jamie Jackson’s match report

That result checks the recent momentum built up by Erik ten Hag, as well as putting Manchester United on the back foot in Group E. Only the group winners go through to the knockout stage automatically, with the second-placed team playing off against a club cashiered from the Champions League. The other game in the group saw Sheriff win 3-0 at Omonia Nicosia. Thanks for reading this MBM on a solemn night at Old Trafford.

FULL TIME: Manchester United 0-1 Real Sociedad

Real Sociedad score against, and then beat, Manchester United for the first time in their history. The penalty decision that went in their favour was dubious, but La Real’s overall performance was highly decent. They celebrate a famous victory on an otherwise sombre evening at Old Trafford.

Casemiro reacts at the final whistle as Manchester United lose at home. Photograph: Craig Brough/Reuters

90 min +2: Casemiro tries to steer a shot into the bottom right, but it’s telegraphed and easily smothered by Remiro.

90 min +1: The first of three added minutes flies by without incident.

90 min: United throw everyone forward. La Real counter. Sorloth romps down the middle with players either side. It’s three on one! Sorloth gets ahead of Fred, then unselfishly rolls towards Cho to his right … but the pass is no good and De Gea can save the day. That should have settled it.

89 min: Ronaldo is brought down in full flight, just to the left of the D. Yellow for Turrientes. Ronaldo takes the free kick himself, and blooters it witlessly into the wall.

88 min: Garnacho swings a leg at the ball from 25 yards. His speculative effort flies harmlessly over. “I think you’re right about ‘clear and obvious’ benefiting the visitors,” writes Kári Tulinius. “In general, VAR in European competitions seems much less trigger happy than VAR in England. I don’t really recall seeing a bad VAR incident in a good long while outside of the Premier League. Why that is, I don’t really know.”

86 min: La Real make a double change, replacing Mendez and Munoz with Sola and Turrientes.

85 min: Fred whistles a cross into the mixer from the left. Ronaldo can’t get an effort on target. United come again. Ronaldo tries to trap another left-wing cross. He goes over, with Zubimendi behind him, but the referee shows no interest in awarding the spot kick Ronaldo claims for. It’s the correct decision.

84 min: Charlie McNeill comes on for his United debut. The young striker replaces Tyrell Malacia.

83 min: Fred is booked for catching Zubimendi on the ankle with his studs. He can have no complaints about that one.

81 min: Martinez rakes a lovely diagonal ball towards Garnacho on the left touchline. He cuts inside and lays off to Fred, who swings a ball in the direction of Sancho, by the far stick. Sancho snatches at his shot and a fine opportunity is spurned.

80 min: Cho curls towards the bottom left. Easy for De Gea. The away fans are in good voice now.

79 min: Pacheco slides through the back of Ronaldo, who felt that. Just a free kick. Could easily have been a yellow.

78 min: The superb Kubo makes way for Ander Barrenetxea.

77 min: Casemiro sends a low curling shot towards the bottom right. It’s on target, but an easy save for Remiro, who palms confidently away from the goal.

75 min: Sorloth barrels down the middle and very nearly releases Kubo into the box with a slide-rule pass. Kubo is denied by a fine sliding interception from Martinez.

74 min: That penalty decision for Sociedad again. Pure speculation, but the clear-and-obvious-error may have benefited the visitors. It was a pretty harsh decision, but you could make a case for it, if you were so disposed, and so the VAR dude may not have felt empowered to overturn it. Even so, you’d see that decision reversed more often than not.

72 min: Kubo crosses from the left yet again. Malacia slices a wild attempted clearance out for a corner. Nothing comes of the resulting set piece. Kubo has been excellent since the restart.

71 min: … so Antony’s last act of the evening is to be clotheslined. He’s replaced by Jadon Sancho, while Elanga makes way for 18-year-old Argentinian winger Alejandro Garnacho.

Antony goes off. Photograph: Alex Livesey/Danehouse/Getty Images

70 min: Munoz hangs a horizontal leg across Anthony’s waist, to stop the winger in full flight. It’s an absurd challenge, and could so easily be a red. But it’s just a yellow. Say what you will about this referee, he’s not a homer.

68 min: A bouncing ball drops at the feet of Malacia, who snatches at his shot from the edge of the D. Goal kick. He had time to do a little better.

67 min: Elanga has a whack from just inside the box on the left. He claims his shot hits Elustondo’s hand, but the referee isn’t interested at all. United’s fans are beginning to feel a little aggrieved, though that looked to have come off the Sociedad defender’s chest.

Elanga claims a penalty. No dice. Photograph: Craig Brough/Reuters

64 min: This game has opened out. The increasingly influential Kubo sees a low drive blocked. United then counter through Antony, who wins a corner down the right. The ball’s worked back up the flank to Fernandes, who swings one in from deep. Casemiro meets at the far stick with a downward header that rears up onto the top of the net.

62 min: Turns out Martinez was booked for his role in the penalty too. Insult to injury, given how harsh the decision was.

61 min: That’s Real Sociedad’s first-ever goal against Manchester United, in four and a half matches. Mendez nearly makes it two in three minutes, but his attempted curler towards the top right is blocked.

60 min: Silva goes into the book as a result of coming through the back of Casemiro.

GOAL: Manchester United 0-1 Real Sociedad (Mendez 59 pen)

Mendez slots powerfully into the bottom-right corner. De Gea nearly got there … in fact he might have got something on it … but it was powerfully struck and perfectly placed. La Real take the lead.

Brais Mendez celebrates scoring the penalty. Photograph: Craig Brough/Reuters

58 min: The penalty stands! That seems a bit harsh, not least because the shot hit Martinez’s body first, and his arm wasn’t exactly miles away from his torso. But VAR is not for moving.

Penalty for Real Sociedad

57 min: The corner’s worked to Silva, who attempts to send a curler into the top-left corner. His shot hits Martinez on the hip, then up onto his arm. The referee points to the spot, then books Fernandes for complaining. But VAR will check …

The ref has given it! Photograph: Craig Brough/Reuters

56 min: Kubo whips another magical cross in from the left. Sorloth prepares to slam a sidefoot home from six yards, but Martinez sticks a leg out to save a certain goal. Corner. From which …

55 min: The home fans partake in a bit of anti-Glazer chanting.

54 min: Space for Kubo out on the Sociedad left. He curls a fine cross into the box for Sorloth, who beats Martinez all ends up only to power a header over the bar. That was a great opportunity, ten yards out.

52 min: A game of pinball breaks out in midfield.

50 min: Pacheco is down, winded after clattering into Ronaldo. An accident, nothing more, and he’s good to go again once he gets his breath back.

48 min: Malacia slips a pass down the inside-left channel for Elanga, who turns and cushions a pass infield for Ronaldo. He takes a touch then sends a screamer over the crossbar from 25 yards. The keeper was probably behind that, had it been on target, but his handling hasn’t been all that, so you never know.

Ronaldo has an effort on goal early in the second half. Photograph: Craig Brough/Reuters

46 min: A very uncertain start to the second half by Sociedad. Zubimendi slices high into the air, forcing Remiro to punch clear with great uncertainty. Then Fernandes crosses from the right. Ronaldo has to score, six yards out, but flashes his header wide left.

United get the second half underway. They’ve made two changes at the break: Christian Eriksen and Diogo Dalot make way for Bruno Fernandes and Lisandro Martinez. Meanwhile Sociedad have swapped Umar Sadiq for erstwhile Crystal Palace striker Alexander Sorloth.

HALF TIME: Manchester United 0-0 Real Sociedad

The whistle goes at the end of an unsurprisingly low-key first half.

44 min: Antony latches onto a loose pass and feeds Elanga, who fails to release Ronaldo with an easy pass down the inside-right. Ronaldo shows a smidgen of frustration.

42 min: Ronaldo scampers after a long pass down the right and hooks into the mixer, but the chase wasn’t worth it. There’s nobody up with him, and La Real’s captain Elustondo clears up with ease.

40 min: Antony has been quiet so far, but now he escapes from a tight spot near the right-hand corner flag by knocks the ball around Munoz and haring into the box after it. But Merino comes across and blooters a clearance straight into him. The ball ricochets towards Remiro, who doesn’t drop this one.

39 min: Merino meets the corner, coming in from the left, at the near post. He attempts to flick into the six-yard box, but falls over his own feet, allowing the hosts to clear.

38 min: Sadiq intercepts a loose pass and drives towards the United box down the left. He’s about to shoot when Casemiro arrives to block out for a corner.