Blog Manchester United History Records Achievements

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What is Manchester United?

Manchester United, in full Manchester United Football Club, is an English professional football (soccer) team based in Manchester, England. It is one of the richest and best-supported football clubs not only in England but in the entire world. The club has won the English top-division league championship a record 20 times and the Football Association Cup 12 times.

What was the original name of Manchester United?

Manchester United was formed as Newton Heath LYR in 1878 by workers from the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway. It was renamed Manchester United in 1902.

Why is Manchester United also known as “the Red Devils”?

Manchester United (Man U) is nicknamed “the Red Devils” for its distinctive red jerseys.

When did the Manchester United plane crash take place?

Manchester United was struck by tragedy in 1958 when an aircraft carrying the team crashed in Munich, Germany, killing 23 of the 44 people onboard.

When did Manchester United first win the European Cup?

In 1968 Manchester United became the first English club to win the European Cup (now known as the Champions League) with a 4–1 victory over Benfica of Portugal in the final.

Manchester United, in full Manchester United Football Club, also called Manchester United FC, bynames Man U and the Red Devils, English professional football (soccer) team based in Manchester, England. Nicknamed “the Red Devils” for its distinctive red jerseys, it is one of the richest and best-supported football clubs not only in England but in the entire world. The club has won the English top-division league championship a record 20 times and the Football Association (FA) Cup 12 times.

The club was formed as Newton Heath LYR in 1878 by workers from the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway. Renamed Manchester United in 1902, the club won its first English league championship in 1907–08. In 1910 the club moved from its old Bank Street ground into Old Trafford stadium, which has served as the team’s home ever since.

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Manchester United’s history since World War II has been dominated by two long-serving managers. Sir Matthew Busby was appointed manager in 1945 and over the next 24 years steered the club to five English league and two FA Cup victories. The club had to contend with tragedy in 1958 when an aircraft carrying the team crashed in Munich, killing 23 of the 44 onboard. In the 1960s the team, rebuilt by Busby, included the highly talented attacking trio of Bobby Charlton, George Best, and Denis Law. In 1968 this team became the first English club to win the European Cup (now known as the Champions League) with a 4–1 victory over Benfica of Portugal in the final.

The former coach of the Scottish team Aberdeen, Alex Ferguson, managed the club from 1986 to 2013 and presided over an unparalleled spell of dominance in the English league. Manchester United has won 12 Premier League titles since that league’s inaugural season in 1992–93. In the 1998–99 season the club secured the first “treble” in English football history by winning the Premier League, the FA Cup, and the Champions League. A second Champions League victory came in the 2007–08 season.

Manchester United is renowned for its youth team program, which has generated many notable homegrown players who later performed for the club’s first team, including David Beckham. The club has also brought in a number of major transfer signings over the years, such as Wayne Rooney, Rio Ferdinand, Andy Cole, Roy Keane, Eric Cantona, Patrice Evra, Dimitar Berbatov, and Cristiano Ronaldo.

Clive Gifford