Blog Manchester United transfer news RECAP as Malacia and De Jong deals agreed plus Martinez updates

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Berikut adalah artikel atau berita tentang Harian dengan judul Manchester United transfer news RECAP as Malacia and De Jong deals agreed plus Martinez updates yang telah tayang di terimakasih telah menyimak. Bila ada masukan atau komplain mengenai artikel berikut silahkan hubungi email kami di [email protected], Terimakasih.

Keep tabs on the latest news, views and transfer rumours with our dedicated Man Utd blog updates.

Frenkie de Jong, Donny van de Beek and Tyrell Malacia (Image: Getty Images)

Plans for the 2022/2023 season are coming together after Manchester United have finally made a breakthrough with their summer transfer business.

Frenkie de Jong took a step closer to signing on Wednesday morning when an agreement in principle over his move from Barcelona was reached. It comes as part of a double swoop as United also prepare to sign Tyrell Malacia for €15million from Feyenoord.

But what will be next on the agenda for Erik ten Hag as part of his summer rebuild?

Free-agent Christian Eriksen and Antony remain targets for the United manager and the club have also been linked with Ajax defender Lisandro Martinez with Arsenal set to compete for his signature. It has been claimed United will offer a £43million package for the player.

TODAY’S BIG TALKING POINT: What should Erik ten Hag’s first-choice midfield be next season? Have your say here.

Catch up with the latest news, views and transfer rumours with our dedicated blog updates below.

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United first eyed-up a swoop for Villarreal defender Pau Torres last summer.

Here are the current front-runners for his signature according to SkyBet odds;

Tottenham – 13/8

Manchester United – 5/2

Chelsea – 14/1

Manchester City – 16/1

Barcelona – 25/1

Real Madrid – 25/1

*Odds were correct at 22:20 on June 29. Subject to change.

Reports suggest United would prefer to sign Pau Torres over Lisandro Martinez.

Erik ten Hag wants another centre-back as part of his Old Trafford rebuild.

He initially set his sights on Jurrien Timber from Ajax – but that proposed move has stalled.

90min claim Torres is now next in line for Ten Hag despite some interest in Martinez.

Something for those who can’t wait to see what the Erik ten Hag era brings.

Our gaming writers have simulated next season after his ‘dream’ transfer window.

It took a step closer with deals for Frenkie de Jong and Tyrell Malacia.

Check out what happened in the gaming world after those and three other signings >>>

Reports suggest United will sanction departures for three full-backs this summer.

Tyrell Malacia has edged closer to signing with an agreement in principle confirmed.

It means United are open to Alvaro Fernandez moving on loan.

The Times suggest Alex Telles and Brandon Williams are also set to be moved on as a result with Erik ten Hag and key figures in the boardoom willing to listen to offers over permanent transfers for those players.

Supporters have conjured up a transfer theory after Donny van de Beek attracted high-profile attention after his latest Instagram post.

Having struggled to make his mark two years after his Old Trafford arrival, the Netherlands midfielder is finally set to be given his opportunity next season.

Read the full story here >>>

United have been linked with revived interest in Leicester player Youri Tielemans.

Frenkie de Jong is edging closer to his move after an agreement in principle was confirmed.

But there could yet be further central midfield recruits this summer window.

The Times report that Erik ten Hag will now add the Belgium midfielder to his shortlist.

A snapshot from Carrington as Erik ten Hag gets down to business;

Ajax manager Alfred Schreuder has responded to United interest in Antony and Jurrien Timber.

Sebastien Haller looks set to leave the Amsterdam giants for Borussia Dortmund shortly, but Schreuder could also see other star names depart during the summer transfer window.

Here is what Schreuder said when pressed by Voetbal Primeur;

You can read the full story here >>>

Can we be greedy and look ahead to the next moves for United?

Here is the current state of play with Christian Eriksen as per SkyBet;

Manchester United – 8/13

To stay with Brenford – 5/4

Newcastle – 6/1

Tottenham – 22/1

*Odds were correct at 16:45 on June 29. Subject to change.

Reports by talkSPORT state United are set to follow up agreements in principle to sign Tyrell Malacia and Frenkie de Jong with an offer for Ajax defender Lisandro Martinez. As part of their summer rebuild, it has been no secret that United want to snap-up a new centre-back.

Jurrien Timber was thought to be the priority in that regard. However, with question marks over his future at Ajax still lingering, Ten Hag is poised to make a move for his defensive partner.

Martinez is wanted by Arsenal and the Gunners are understood to have had an opening bid rejected. It is reported United will table an offer around £43million including add-ons.

It was a concern United were unable to address last summer but, with Erik ten Hag at the helm, new central midfielders are understood to be on the way. Frenkie de Jong and Christian Eriksen are the top targets and moves to sign those world-famous playmakers are progressing.

We want to know how United supporters feel about midfield options – have your say here.

It’s been a significant day for United in the summer transfer window.

They have agreed deals in princple to snap-up renkie de Jong and Tyrell Malacia.

Here is what Malacia said about his future when pressed earlier this month;

You can read more about Malacia on the MEN website.

Will Fish has signed a new long-term contract at Manchester United a year after making his senior debut for the club.

Fish, 19, made his only senior United appearance on the final day of the season a year ago in the final moments of a 2-1 win away at Wolves.

The young centre-back was rewarded with a place in Ole Gunnar Solskjaer’s side for pre-season before embarking on a loan move to then National League side Stockport County.

Click here to read more.

Manchester United are ready to submit a £40million bid for Ajax defender Lisandro Martinez, according to a report by talkSPORT.

The versatile 24-year-old, who is also the subject of interest from Arsenal, is on United’s radar this summer as they look to strengthen their defensive options.

It is claimed that Arsenal have already tabled two bids for the Ajax ace, the second of which was worth £35million, according to various reports elsewhere.

Manchester United goalkeeper Dean Henderson will undergo a medical at Nottingham Forest ‘this week,’ according to a report by the Mail.

Forest are understood to have agreed a deal with United to sign the goalkeeper on loan for the forthcoming season. Henderson has agreed terms to move to the City Ground all that is left to be done to make the move official is his medical.

Manchester United are open to sending Alvaro Fernandez out on loan next season as they close in on a deal to sign fellow left-back Tyrell Malacia.

United have agreed deals in principle to sign both Frenkie de Jong from Barcelona and Feyenoord defender Malacia as part of their summer rebuild under new manager Erik ten Hag.

The respective deals are subject to the players completing medicals, with United having agreed a €15m (£12.9m) with Feyenoord for Malacia and a €65million (£56.14m) deal plus add-ons with Barcelona for De Jong.

Click here to read more.

Video footage has emerged on social media of the moment that Erik ten Hag first noticed the quality of incoming Manchester United defender Tyrell Malacia.

United, as revealed by the Manchester Evening News, have acted swiftly to agree a €15million (£12.9m) deal with Feyenoord to sign the 22-year-old Dutchman, hijacking his proposed move to French club Lyon in the process. It is understood that United agreed a deal with the Dutch outfit on Tuesday afternoon.

Along with Barcelona ace Frenkie de Jong, Malacia is set to become one of the first signings of the Ten Hag era, easing the frustrations of many United fans who have been keen to see new signings this summer. He will compete with Luke Shaw and Alex Telles for the left-back berth in the short term.

Click here to read the full story.

It’s seemed certain for a while now that Manchester United’s first signing of the summer would be a Dutch international, though maybe not the one who looks set to be unveiled first.

United have agreed a deal in principle to sign their top target Frenkie de Jong from Barcelona, but before he arrives, one of his international teammates might don club merchandise first. Erik ten Hag has been looking at Tyrell Malacia for a long time, ever since witnessing his talents first-hand at Ajax, with the Feyenoord full-back reaping havoc on his side over the last season.

He’s always been a player of interest to the Dutchman, and when he caught wind of a deal being possible this summer, he made it clear to the United hierarchy that they should be involved in the conversations about his future.

Click here to read more.

If hijacking Tyrell Malacia’s move to Lyon was not enough for Manchester United, it is now being reported that they are ready to do the same with Lisandro Martinez’s switch to Arsenal.

According to a report by TyC Sports, as cited by the Metro, United, who have recently been closely linked with the Ajax defender, are hopeful of pipping Arsenal to the signing of the centre-back.

United still want to strengthen their central-defensive options this summer and it is claimed that they have lodged a £34.5million bid.

After a slow start to the summer transfer window, Manchester United’s social media team will find themselves busy sooner rather than later.

That is because the club, as reported by the Manchester Evening News, are closing in on the signings of Feyenoord left-back Tyrell Malacia and Barcelona midfielder Frenkie de Jong. United have agreed fees with both clubs and are hopeful of adding both players to the squad ahead of flying out to Thailand for the start of the pre-season tour in just over a week’s time.

United’s pursuit of De Jong has been long and, at times, frustrating. But after seven weeks and countless discussions with Barcelona, the midfielder is now one step closer to being reunited with former Ajax manager Erik ten Hag.

Click here to read more.

According to a report by The Times, Manchester United remain ‘interested’ in signing Leicester City midfield ace Youri Tielemans.

United have reguarly been linked with the Belgian international in recent months, as they look to beef up their midfield options. United are closing in on the signing of Frenkie de Jong and are continuing to track Christian Eriksen.

However, it is claimed that Tielemans is another option being considered.

Manchester United still recognise Luke Shaw as their first-choice left-back ahead of the expected arrival of Tyrell Malacia.

United have agreed a €15million (£12.9m) deal to sign left-back Malacia, 22, from Feyenoord amid firm interest from Lyon.

Malacia is seen as credible competition for Shaw, who turns 27 next month and has failed to maintain sustained form in consecutive seasons during his eight years with United.

Click here to read the full story.

There were plenty of caveats to Jadon Sancho’s difficult first season at Manchester United, plenty of reasons to explain his struggle.

After a youth career that contained its fair share of highs and lows, Sancho found peace and security at Borussia Dortmund for four years. There’s hardly a better place for a player to develop between the ages of 17 and 21; the German club is renowned for giving youth its chance and Bundesliga defences can be fairly accommodating at times.

Not that Sancho has ever been short of confidence, nor ability. You don’t notch 38 goals in 82 Dortmund starts from the wing if you lack talent, you don’t break into the England setup as a teenager, or earn a £73million transfer to United as a 21-year-old for that matter.

Click here to read more.

Lyon have pulled the plug on their pursuit of Feyenoord left-back Tyrell Malacia amid his impending move to Manchester United.

That is according to a report by The Athletic. Lyon were in the driving seat to sign the Dutchman up until United hijacked their move for him on Tuesday afternoon. United have now agreed a fee with Feyenoord to sign him.

You know what they say about Manchester United transfers… you wait ages for one to happen and then two come along at once.

It’s been a long time coming, but United are finally about to make their mark in the summer transfer window under Erik ten Hag with a taste of double Dutch. The Manchester Evening News revealed on Wednesday morning that United have agreed deals to sign Frenkie de Jong from Barcelona and Feyenoord left-back Tyrell Malacia.

The duo could be part of the squad that flies out for pre-season next week as Ten Hag gets to work with his summer rebuild. But just how will the pair fit into the first-team set-up at Old Trafford?

MEN Sport takes a look at a possible United line up next season with their two new recruits.

More on United’s search for a new right winger.

This report claims United are unlikely to meet Ajax’s £70 million asking price for Antony despite their interest in the player.

One of Tyrell Malacia’s ideal shirt numbers could become available in time for the defender’s arrival at United.

You can read about it here.

More on the deal for Tyrell Malacia.

A report suggests Lyon offered more money to sign the Dutch defender after United submitted their bid but that the player was set on an Old Trafford move.

Donny van de Beek has taken to social media to reflect on his first training session back at United under Erik ten Hag.

Manchester United have agreed deals in principle to sign Frenkie de Jong from Barcelona and Feyenoord left-back Tyrell Malacia.

United’s protracted seven-week pursuit of De Jong is expected to be finalised in a €65million (£56.14m) deal plus add-ons. It is understood the initial fee will be paid in instalments.

You can read it all here.