Blog PKB Demands Clarity on the Fate of the Coalition to Gerindra

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In fact, the Greater Indonesia Awakening Coalition (KKIR) has been declared for almost a year. According to Jazilul, the ulemas have also questioned PKB why the presidential and vice presidential candidates have not been determined.


Vice Chairman of the Nation Awakening Party (PKB) Jazilul Fawaid (left) and Deputy Secretary General of PKB Syaiful Huda delivered an opening material for the discussion “PKB Listens: Who Will Gus Imin Choose?” at the PKB Central Office in Jakarta, Tuesday (1/8/2023).

Therefore, PKB demands clarity on the fate of KKIR from Gerindra. “You scratch my back, I scratch yours. If you’re not clear, I’ll let go. That’s how it is,” said Jazilul, describing the relationship between PKB and Gerindra in the discussion entitled “PKB Listens: Who will Gus Imin choose?” at the PKB DPP office in Jakarta on Tuesday (August 1, 2023).

Jazilul admits that the relationship between PKB and Gerindra has only recently been established, namely since Gerindra joined the coalition supporting President Joko Widodo’s government after the 2019 Presidential Election. PKB actually has a long history with the Democratic Party and the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P).

However, according to the Vice Secretary General of PKB Saiful Huda, the PKB coalition with Gerindra is the best choice in facing the 2024 election. This is because both parties need each other to fulfill the presidential and vice presidential candidacy threshold. In addition, PKB is a party that won in East Java and became the second winner in Central Java. At the same time, Gerindra is the winning party in West Java and Banten.

The relationship between PKB and Gerindra has only just begun since Gerindra joined the coalition supporting President Joko Widodo’s government after the 2019 presidential election. PKB has actually gone through a long history with the Democratic Party and the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P).

Furthermore, Huda continued, PKB and Gerindra are two parliamentary parties with sole leadership. Therefore, instructions from each chairman will run maximally because there is no friction or faction within the party’s internal. Thus, PKB and Gerindra are among the healthiest political parties.


Journalists were typing the discussions being discussed in the “PKB Hearing: Who Will Gus Imin Choose?” discussion at the PKB Central Office in Jakarta on Tuesday (8/1/2023).

“We endeavor and hope that this coalition will become even larger and easier for us to carry out our struggle agendas, continuing the successes of Mr. Jokowi (President Joko Widodo),” said Habiburokhman.

Habiburokhman added that Gerindra will treat all political parties and coalition partners well. Especially towards PKB and Muhaimin, they will certainly be given the most honorable positions.


Discussion “PKB Listening: Who Does Gus Imin Choose?” at the PKB DPP Office in Jakarta, Tuesday (1/8/2023).

According to him, the coalition that will be built by PKB must be able to win in the presidential election. PKB, as a major party, should not just be a complement to the presidential and vice-presidential candidates. The coalition that is built must also be able to enlarge the party’s posture in the future era. If there are transactional offers that are not beneficial to the party in the present and future, they should not be chosen.

“The best choice of coalition is to make Muhaimin as vice president candidate, provided it has the potential to win. Therefore, the first choice remains with Gerindra,” he said.