Blog Prestige Indonesia VIPs enjoyed an exclusive Dioriviera experience amid the splendour of Bali

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Select VIPs and friends of the magazine enjoyed a weekend at Four Seasons Bali at Jimbaran Bay in a celebration of Dior’s singularly iconic capsule collection, the Dioriviera

One of the most stylish happenings currently taking place on the island of the gods is Dioriviera. A summer capsule collection from the house of Dior, it includes a range of ready-to-wear pieces, beach essentials and plenty of accessories – all featuring Dioriviera’s signature pink and grey colours along with the Toile de Jouy Sauvage motif.

And on July 23-24, Prestige Indonesia invited a group of VIPs and friends of the magazine to delve deep into the Dioriviera experience in a truly magical weekend.

Rasjtika, Prami Pratiwi,Sarah Song, Miranda Cugurra, Emilia

Charlotte Pillen, Syrco Bakker

Ronald Liem, Jessica Schwarze, Alex Rueda,

René Mayer, Yoan Irma

Marc Klok, Ronald Liem, Ted van der Hulst, Raphael Maitimo

This time, the annual Dioriviera pop-up store transformed Sundara restaurant at Four Seasons Bali at Jimbaran Bay into a mesmerizing thematic venue. Everything from the beach chairs and cabanas to the buggy cars taking guests across the venue were clad in the colours and motifs of the collection.

Besides browsing the collection on display and trying out the outfits and accessories, the invited VIPs enjoyed a series of exclusive experiences, from getting custom-named Dior fans, making memories at the Dior photobooth, and enjoying a specially-crafted menu at Sundara.

It goes without saying that the aesthetics of Dioriviera, the charm of Four Seasons Bali at Jimbaran Bay, and a Balinese sunset in the background make for a truly unbeatable experience…

For more details about the Dioriviera collection and pop-up itself, click here to see our editor’s special report from Bali.