Blog SPORTS AGENDA Kylian Mbappe is banished to PSG B team by club officials as feud between wantaway striker and French champions d

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Kylian Mbappe is banished to PSG’s ‘B’ team as feud with the club continues… PLUS, why Manchester United are waiting to announce Rasmus Hojlund’s squad number – SPORTS AGENDA

  • Kylian Mbappe will be training with PSG’s B squad amid his contract stand-off
  • Hull messed up the opening day of the season by telling fans ‘up the Toffees!’
  • And new FA rules meant neither West Brom nor Hull could send their managers to a post-match press conference 

By Mike Keegan For The Daily Mail


Kylian Mbappe will be training with Paris Saint-Germain’s ‘B’ squad on Monday morning as his feud with the club continues.

The 24-year-old striker is in a stand-off with the French champions over his failure to sign a contract extension.

Mbappe’s deal expires at the end of the forthcoming campaign and officials, who believe he has agreed a deal with Real Madrid starting in 2024, are keen to pick up a transfer fee for their £250million asset before he can walk out for nothing.

Mbappe has recently turned down a ‘guaranteed sale’ clause for the end of this season, demanding a free transfer instead.

Kylian Mbappe has been banished to play with PSG’s B team amid his contract stand-off

Rasmus Hojlund waiting for squad number

Manchester United’s £72million new boy Rasmus Hojlund is yet to be given a squad number. The club could have cashed in by making a call ahead of Saturday’s friendly triumph over Lens at Old Trafford, before which the striker was introduced to the crowd.

However, United are working on a number of deals and want to wait until they have a clearer picture of their squad before committing to shirt numbers.

Rasmus Hojlund has been left waiting for a squad number as Man United finalise deals 

Sent-off pair given silent treatment

An unwanted knock-on effect of new FA rules aimed at cleaning up football reared its head on Saturday when two managers who had been sent off were unable to give their versions of events to the press. 

West Bromwich’s Carlos Corberan and Hull’s Liam Rosenior were gagged because anyone dismissed can no longer attend ‘post-match media commitments’. 

It was not a great day for defeated Hull, whose live alerts system on their new app sent out the following message as the game against Norwich began: ‘Kick-off! Up the Toffees!’ 

BBC row back on lifetime ban for journalist

The BBC appear to have ignored the lifetime ban they imposed on journalist Ben Jacobs by letting him appear on their podcast How To Buy A Football Club.

In 2010, Jacobs was found to have brought the Beeb into disrepute for sabotaging a Radio 5 Live interview with Roberto Martinez by inserting obscene material into the pre-recorded piece. 

However, to the shock of BBC insiders, Jacobs co-presents the latest episode of the pod, being introduced as a ‘renowned journalist’. A BBC spokesperson said: ‘Ben Jacobs was invited as a guest on the podcast to comment on a topical matter.’ 

Bigwig goes AWOL as Germany crash out

A disastrous women’s World Cup for Germany was compounded when it emerged their FA president Bernd Neuendorf, 62, had not even turned up for their final match of the tournament.

The two-time champions made a shock exit following a 1-1 draw with South Korea in Brisbane. The team’s early exit caused shockwaves back in Germany, and Neuendorf failed to cover himself in glory when quizzed on why he was absent, telling newspaper Bild he had ‘assumed we would progress’ following the 6-0 opening win over Morocco.

Germany crashed out of the Women’s World Cup and their FA president Bernd Neuendorf was nowhere to be seen

British gymnasts train in style at France’s expense 

Team GB’s medal hopes for Paris 2024 have been boosted by the host nation. 

British gymnastics stars were in Reims last week for the first of two camps there in preparation for the Games in July. 

Britain’s medal hopefuls were able to train in a state-of-the-art gym which has been completely refitted with new Gymnova equipment — at their hosts’ expense. The equipment mirrors that which will be used at the Games. 

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