Blog Surabaya Maintains Ambition to Increase the Status of a Child Friendly City

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SURABAYA, KOMPAS – Surabaya, the capital city of East Java, has not yet achieved the highest predicate as a fully child-friendly city from the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection. However, the ambition to reach a higher predicate than the current main child-friendly city is still maintained as it is important for the Surabaya community.

Thus affirmed Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi after the peak of the National Children’s Day commemoration at Balai Pemuda Surabaya, Monday (31/7/2022). Surabaya has once again achieved the title of child-friendly city (KLA) as in previous years. Surabaya was quite optimistic about achieving the full KLA title as the first in Indonesia this year, but it fell short.

However, with the full predicate of KLA, Surabaya has a great opportunity to realize its dream as a world-class KLA. With that status, Surabaya becomes an important part of the world, especially in terms of protecting children.

“We are committed to providing protection through various policies to ensure the growth and development of Surabaya’s children,” said Eri.

Also read: Surabaya has the ambition to become a world-friendly city for children


Visitors view the Photo Exhibition of Children with Disabilities in the Basement Alun-alun Surabaya, East Java, Thursday (27/7/2023). As many as 30 children’s photographs of Kampung Anak Negeri Kalijudan Surabaya were exhibited at the exhibition. Most of the photographers who are exhibiting are deaf and mute. The exhibition, which also includes a review of Tour Eyes photography book by Disabilities Works, will last until August 1, 2023.

Eri continues, child protection becomes a long-term program to realize the Golden Generation of 2045 which coincides with a century of Indonesia’s journey since the Proclamation of Independence on August 17, 1945. Two decades from now, children will have grown up and are expected to become leaders in regions and the country who can help realize a just, prosperous, and prosperous life for the people.

Surabaya is quite prepared although efforts to create a child-friendly city require the support of all layers of society. (Arie Rukmantara)

For this reason, according to Eri, the government is preparing and implementing integrated child protection programs, namely health and education. There is a family learning center at the RW hall, a chat post at school, a home for achievement children, a children’s task force, continuity of alleviation of high school or stunting, assistance for students from poor families, empowering children’s forums, and maintaining or adding to public space a child-friendly park.

Also read: Pursuing Fully Child Friendly Cities in Indonesia


Visitors signed the Declaration to Stop Violence against Special Children during the Adifiesta Anak Istimewa event held on Thursday (20/7/2023) at Grand Mercure Mirama Hotel, Surabaya. The activity was organized by the Surabaya City Government in commemoration of National Children’s Day. In addition to the distribution of free wheelchairs, the event also featured a bazaar and art performances by special needs students. The activity is expected to provide a platform for special needs children to showcase their talents.

Separately, the Chairman of the Surabaya City Regional House of Representatives (DPRD), Dominikus Adi Sutarwijono, stated that the full KLA predicate and even world-class level must continuously be strived for. The predicate should not be viewed as a status, but as an achievement that is expected to foster pride, love, and awareness among citizens towards the future journey of the “Heroic Earth”.


“With the status of a child-friendly city, it is expected that the attitudes and behaviors of the citizens are in line with efforts to maintain that predicate,” said Adi, a politician of PDI-P. The main goal is to prevent crimes against children. In addition, to promote a culture where children in Surabaya feel safe and secure anywhere they go, because they are protected by the community.”

Previously, the Head of Unicef ​​Representative for the Java Region, Tubagus Arie Rukmantara, encouraged Surabaya to become part of the Child-Friendly City Initiative (CFCI). This is based on the fact that Bumi Pahlawan has received the title of the main KLA over the years. “Surabaya is quite ready even though efforts to create a child-friendly city require the support of all levels of society,” he said.

Also read: Child Friendly Cities Need to be Developed


On the other hand, KLA does not necessarily mean there are no crimes against children. The status is more about fulfilling the requirements according to the Minister of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Regulation No. 12 of 2011 regarding Child-Friendly Indicator for Regencies/Cities. Simply put, the indicators include strengthening institutional capacity and children’s rights clusters.

Strengthening institutionalization includes regulations and policies, budget percentage, regulations and policies that receive input from children’s forums or groups, trained human resources for children’s programs, sorted data on children, and involvement of community institutions and business world.

The cluster of children’s rights includes civil and political rights, family environment and alternative care, basic health and welfare, education, leisure and cultural activities, as well as special protection.

Separately, the Executive Director of the Arek Lintang Foundation (Alit) Indonesia, Yuliati Umrah reminded that primary, complete, and even world-class KLA status is a gateway to realizing a socio-cultural life that ensures children are respected, loved, cared for, protected and their dignity as human beings is upheld.

According to Yuliati, it is important for all levels of society to understand the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The convention emphasizes that the state respects and guarantees the rights implemented in this convention for every child within their jurisdiction without discrimination of any kind.

Also without considering race, skin color, gender, language, religion, political views or other opinions, national origin, ethnicity or social status, ownership status, disability or not, birth or other status, whether from the child himself/herself or from a legitimate parent or guardian.

The state will take all necessary steps to ensure that children are protected from all forms of discrimination or punishment based on their status, activities, opinions expressed or beliefs of the child’s parents, legal guardian or family members.

“Society must play a role in encouraging social life that really guarantees the safety and security of children,” said Yuliati. Strive for zero cases of crime and violence against children both in the context of law violations or socially in the family and environment.