Blog The little devil who became a deity Messi exit leaves a void like no other

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Lionel Messi and his Barcelona teammates celebrate their victory over Juventus in the 2015 Champions League final. Photograph: VI-Images via Getty Images

In terms of technical perfection, there may be no display like the 5-0 against Madrid in which he didn’t score. Only, there are probably plenty. The point really is that they wouldn’t even need to name the goals or the iconography, shirt in hand at the north end of the Bernabéu, say. Some moments are personal, seemingly inconsequential but there to be clung to; everyone has their own, chosen from so many. There is the anticipation before every match, realised with ludicrous frequency and yet with the capacity to surprise intact.

Lionel Messi celebrates after scoring one of his four goals against Arsenal during their Champions League quarter-final second-leg in 2010. Photograph: Albert Gea/Reuters

Nor is it just us, the supporters. At the end of this year’s Copa del Rey final, one by one, Barcelona’s players lined up, queueing for a photo, not with the trophy but their captain. Which may just be the most eloquent comment of all. There have been neat words, lots of extraterrestrial talk and grand eulogy – Jorge Sampaoli saying that comparing any other player to him is like putting a normal cop alongside Batman stands out – but it’s those more spontaneous, speechless moments that best measure the impact, the significance, the superiority, the sense that this is his era which is coming to an end.

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