Blog The Top TikTok Trends to Try This Week

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What’s Trending on TikTok? — June 2022 Roundup

Discover the hottest trends on TikTok this month.

Trend: Benny And The Jets x Chiquitita — June 29, 2022

Trend Recap: Remember when ABBA’s Chiquitita lived rent-free in our minds summer 2021? 

The viral song is making a comeback in this endlessly catchy ABBA and Elton John mashup. 

Use this audio to share travel montages, a fit check, or your latest photoshoot.

Audio: Benny and Chiquitita – reymifasol

Trend: Kim Kardashian’s “Guilty” – June 29, 2022

Trend Recap: We’re all guilty of having cringeworthy habits.

This audio from Kim Kardashian’s SNL skit offers an opportunity to be transparent about your not-so-shining moments.

Plus, being able to poke fun at yourself gives major relatability points.

Audio: Original Sound – quackitheestallion

Trend: “I Win” – June 29, 2022

Trend Recap: Life has a funny way of humbling you. 

Lip sync to the audio and use on-screen text to share a time when you felt on top of the world… and were quickly brought back down to earth.

Audio: Original Sound – qcrazy_storys_slimes

FYI: Later is an approved TikTok Content Marketing Partner, meaning you can schedule your TikTok videos in advance — for free:

Trend: Things People Have Said to Me — June 24, 2022

Trend Recap: Put on your dancing shoes!

It’s time to show off some moves while poking fun at all of the questions you receive as an entrepreneur, creator, teacher, chef, social media manager — whatever your niche.

Warning: This trend contains flashes of light that could trigger seizures for people with visual sensitivities.

Audio: Original Sound — KyleAndJackieo

Trend: Feel No Ways — June 24, 2022

Trend Recap: This is a very specific trend, mixing Drake’s “Feel No Ways” audio with the Horace filter, and using the text tool to spell out a time you “took one for the team.”

Give it a whirl (quite literally), but if you can’t make it work for your audience — that’s okay, too!

Audio: Feel No Ways — Drake

Trend: “Um.” — Wendy Williams — June 16, 2022

Trend Recap: Sometimes our emotions get the best of us, and this Wendy Williams moment perfectly captures that feeling.

Use the audio and re-enact a time when your feelings caught you off guard. For Later’s take on the trend, we couldn’t help but reminisce about Vine.

Audio: Original Sound – aaron.boden

Trend: I’m Gonna Live Forever — June 16, 2022

Trend Recap: Irene Cara’s “Fame” is both a certified bop and the background track to a hilarious trend.

If you gained five minutes of life every time you did a specific thing, which habit of yours would allow you to live forever?

Use this 80s throwback as your audio and let your personality shine.

Audio: Fame – Irene Cara

Trend: Credit Card Beep — June 16, 2022

Trend Recap: This “beep” sound is slowly heating up on the feed. Tap your “credit card” to each beep and share things you spend money on.

It works for every niche, so have fun with it!

Audio: Original Sound — dgraphqxx

With Later, you can schedule and auto-publish your TikTok videos in advance. Sign up today — for free.

Trend: Background Vibes — June 10, 2022

Trend Recap: This super simple trend is the perfect opportunity to share anything that’s on your mind.

Want to brag about your favorite thing about yourself? Write it out. Offer advice? Share it. Have a POV you want to describe? That works too.

Audio: Sands – Lethilda

Trend: New Bombshell — June 10, 2022

Trend Recap: You know summer has arrived when Love Island sounds start going viral on TikTok.

The easiest way to hop on this trend is to think of something that you have done over and over again.

Film yourself waving and walking into a room, spell it out via text overlay, and you’re as good as gold!

Audio: Hot New Bombsell – Love Island

Trend: I Am José Mourinho — June 3, 2022

Trend Recap: Know how to cheat the system? TikTok users are sharing their life hacks with this audio from soccer legend, José Mourinho.

Use this audio to share your clever (or not-so-clever) tricks.

Audio: Original Sound – gtikkytokky

Trend: That’s My Life — June 3, 2022

Trend Recap: This trend is all about obvious truths. Hint: Sarcasm works best here.

For our take on the trend, we spoke to the universally-shared experience of putting content into the world — only to get lost in the scroll. 

Audio: Original Sound – bbytreezy  

Trend: Every Day — June 3, 2022

Trend Recap: We all have our guilty pleasures. 

Hop on this trend by using on-screen text to ask, “How often do you…” and share something you do or think about every day. 

Audio: Original Sound — brandonkeithrogers

Looking to take your TikTok strategy to the next level? Learn how to get viral reach and engagement with Later’s free 5-day TikTok course — sign up today!