Blog TikTok to be fined for breaching childrens privacy in EU

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TikTok is to be fined potentially millions of pounds for breaching children’s privacy after a ruling by EU data protection regulator.

The European Data Protection Board said it had reached a binding decision on the Chinese-owned video-sharing platform over its processing of children’s data.

The EU decision follows an investigation, opened in 2021, by the data protection commissioner in Ireland into TikTok’s level of compliance with the EU’s general data protection regulation and how it handles the data of children aged 13 to 17 .

On Friday, TikTok announced a number of new features for European users aimed at improving compliance with new European Union regulations on content, which come into force on 25 August.

Under the EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA), TikTok, Google, Facebook and other large online platforms will be required to police illegal content on their platforms, prohibit certain advertising practices, and share data with authorities.

Breton told CNN: “TikTok is dedicating significant resources to compliance. Now it’s time to accelerate to be fully compliant.”

It said: “We will continue to not only meet our regulatory obligations, but also strive to set new standards through innovative solutions.”

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Earlier this year, TikTok was fined £12.7m by the UK data watchdog for illegally processing the data of 1.4 million children aged under 13 who were using the service without parental consent.

A 2022 survey by the UK regulator Ofcom showed that more than 60% of eight- to 17-year-olds who use social media had a TikTok account in their own name.