Blog 2022 budget FIFA Publications

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Berikut adalah artikel atau berita tentang Harian dengan judul 2022 budget FIFA Publications yang telah tayang di terimakasih telah menyimak. Bila ada masukan atau komplain mengenai artikel berikut silahkan hubungi email kami di [email protected], Terimakasih.

The total revenue budget for 2022 amounts to USD 4,666 million, of which USD 3,807 million (82%) had been contracted at the balance sheet date of 31 December 2020.

Of the five core revenue categories, television broadcasting rights remains the largest contributor with an overall share of 56%, followed by marketing rights at 29%. Hospitality rights and ticket sales, licensing rights and other revenue make up the remaining 15% of the total 2022 revenue budget.

Television broadcasting rights

The revenue target for television broadcasting rights amounts to USD 2,640 million. The remaining broadcasting rights territories are expected to be contracted within the set time frames.

Marketing rights

The total budget for marketing rights sales is USD 1,353 million, of which 71% had already been contracted at balance sheet date. Two Regional Supporter contracts had been signed in relation to the FIFA World Cup 2022™. Commercial Affiliates are still due to be contracted in the Partner, Sponsor and Regional Supporter categories.

Licensing rights

The licensing rights budget is USD 140 million for the year, mainly in the area of brand licensing, where there has been a positive development in royalty-based income payments received. It is expected that licensing rights targets will also be in line with the full-cycle target.

Hospitality rights and ticket sales

The budgeted revenue from hospitality rights and ticket sales totals USD 500 million. Income from this stream is solely sourced from the FIFA World Cup.

Other revenue and income

Other revenue and income is recognised in the period in which the services are rendered. For 2022, revenue income will be generated from the FIFA Quality Programme, the sale of video rights, the FIFA World Football Museum, penalties and appeals, and rental income. The other revenue and income budget is USD 33 million for the year.