Blog Bali Weather Bali Climate

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Bali’s central mountain area is typically cooler and get more rain than the lower coastal areas. Especially at night, temperatures can drop significantly in the highlands near the volcanoes.

The popular regions of UBUD, SIDEMEN and BATUKARU are situated at an altitude of around 600-900 meters (1,970-2,950 feet) above sea level. This altitude results in a cooler and more comfortable climate than the coastal areas of Bali, which can be quite hot and humid. The temperature in Ubud for example is typically around 75-85°F (24-29°C) throughout the year, which is cooler than the coast (Kuta, Legian, Seminyak, Canggu, Denpasar, Sanur, Bukit Peninsula, Pecatu, Uluwatu, Nusa Dua etc).

  • Mount Agung: This is the highest volcano on Bali, standing at 3,142 meters (10,308 feet) above sea level. It is an active volcano and has erupted several times in recent history, with the most recent major eruption occurring in 2017. The eruption caused widespread ashfall and forced the evacuation of thousands of people living in the surrounding areas. Mount Agung is also an important cultural and spiritual site for the Balinese, and it is believed to be the home of the gods.

  • Mount Abang: The volcano is located in the central part of Bali, standing at 2,151 meters (7,057 feet) above sea level. It is an inactive volcano, and just like Mount Merbuk, it’s not considered a very popular tourist destination. The peak of the mountain can be reached by hiking in more or less 2.5 hours.
  • Mount Batur: This volcano is located in the northern part of Bali, standing at 1,717 meters (5,633 feet) above sea level. It is an active volcano that last erupted in 2000, and it is a popular destination for hikers and trekkers. The volcano is also known for its beautiful caldera lake, which is a popular spot for swimming and boating.

  • Mount Merbuk: This volcano is located in the northeastern part of Bali, standing at 1,142 meters (3,749 feet) above sea level. It is an inactive volcano and it’s not considered a popular tourist destination.

  • Mount Batukaru is a volcano located in the central part of Bali, Indonesia. It stands at 2,276 meters (7,470 feet) above sea level and it is considered an active volcano, however, it has not erupted in recorded history.

    Mount Batukaru is a popular destination for trekking and hiking, as the trek to the summit offers beautiful views of the surrounding landscapes, including lush rainforests, rice terraces, and waterfalls. The summit of the volcano is also home to the Pura Luhur Batukaru temple, one of the most important temples in Bali, and it’s considered sacred by the local people.

    The volcano is located in the Tabanan Regency of Bali and it’s surrounded by the Batukaru mountain range, which is also known as the “Garden of Bali”. The area around the mountain is a protected area and it’s home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, including many rare and endemic species.

    Mount Batukaru is also known for its cool and misty climate, which is a pleasant contrast to the hot and humid weather on the coast. This makes it an ideal destination for those looking to escape the heat and enjoy the beautiful natural scenery of Bali.

    As with any volcano climbing, it’s important to be prepared, have a proper equipment, and follow the guidance of a local guide, as the trek can be challenging at times, and the path may be slippery, especially during the rainy season.

  • Mount Rinjani: This volcano is located on the neighboring island of Lombok, but it is visible from Bali on a clear day. It stands at 3,726 meters (12,224 feet) above sea level, making it the second highest volcano in Indonesia after Mount Kerinci. It is an active volcano that last erupted in 2010. Mount Rinjani is also a popular destination for hikers and trekkers.

All of the volcanoes in Bali and Lombok are considered sacred by the local people, and they are often the sites of religious ceremonies and offerings. They are also popular tourist destinations and offer beautiful views of the surrounding landscapes. Visitors should be aware that all of these volcanoes are active and that there may be restrictions on access during times of increased volcanic activity.