Blog FIFA 22 Soundtrack Track List

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Berikut adalah artikel atau berita tentang Harian dengan judul FIFA 22 Soundtrack Track List yang telah tayang di terimakasih telah menyimak. Bila ada masukan atau komplain mengenai artikel berikut silahkan hubungi email kami di [email protected], Terimakasih.

For 20+ years, the FIFA soundtrack has acted as a cultural mirror, elevating the game for millions of our players.

It’s a soundtrack with a soul. Designed to trigger emotion through a fearless blend of genres. It breaks ground every year and drives worldwide culture. More than just the #1 international destination for new music, it is a collective energy that ignites the year to come. Artists recognize this, coveting spots on the soundtrack that will take their careers to the next level.

Fans know it too, as every annual soundtrack is as anticipated as the game release itself. It has an immediate impact on the world around them. If music is a feeling, then FIFA is our one true globally shared celebration. At its very best it can be life changing.

And with FIFA 22 – featuring an unprecedented 122 songs and representing 27 nations – the world’s premier music event just took another giant step forward.

The sound of the VOLTA FOOTBALL Soundtrack on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC and Stadia is found under buzzing street lights in neighbourhoods from Lagos and São Paulo to Los Angeles and Rome. Its gritty underground vibe can be felt in the scuttling trainers on a packed dirt lot or hot concrete playground. Anywhere that players can express their individual style, the soundtrack will be the amped-up underscore to all the action. To heighten this atmosphere, the VOLTA FOOTBALL soundtrack is stacked with 70 songs that deliver a quintessential mix in global hip-hop, grime, electronic and beyond, including a new record from Parisien producers DJ Snake & Malaa, UK drill rapper Headie One featuring afroswing duo Young T & Bugsey, buzzing Atlanta hip-hop duo EARTHGANG, and UK singer/songwriter John Newman with a remix of his #1 breakthrough hit “Love Me Again” from FIFA 14 .

The game also features exclusive new FUT Kits designed by Swedish House Mafia, AJ Tracey, CHIKA and DJ Snake. Hear the soundtrack September 20th on Spotify, Deezer and Apple Music.