Blog Golkar Opens Options for Stretching Gibran or Ridwan Kamil in the 2024 Presidential Election

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  • Golkar is considering other figures besides Airlangga Hartarto to be nominated as presidential or vice-presidential candidates.
  • Two names have emerged as potential candidates for president or vice president, namely Gibran Rakabuming Raka and Ridwan Kamil.
  • Golkar is also open to collaborating with other political parties or party coalitions, but not the Coalition of Change and Unity.

The Election Winning Body (KPP) consists of three political parties, namely the Nasdem Party, the Democratic Party, and the Justice and Prosperity Party (PKS). The three political parties have agreed to nominate former Governor of Jakarta Anies Rasyid Baswedan as their presidential candidate.

Also read: Support Airlangga, Aburizal Urges Golkar Cadres to Ignore National Conference Issues


Nusron Wahid

“Very open (no need to suggest Airlangga as vice presidential candidate). We, right, still have other cadres. RK (Ridwan Kamil) was number four in the presidential candidate survey, in the vice presidential survey he was sometimes number one, sometimes number two. That, isn’t it, a Golkar cadre, he is one of the waketums,” he said.

Mekeng admitted that the name of Ridwan Kamil had not been discussed in the meeting between Airlangga and the Chairman of the DPP PDI-P Puan Maharani on Thursday (27/7/2023). However, the technical teams of both parties, Golkar and PDI-P, will discuss the matter further.

Serious sign

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Secondly, a sign of the seriousness of the meeting between PDI-P and Golkar Party was agreed upon the formation of a technical team representing both parties. Golkar Party sent the names of Mekeng, Secretary-General Lodewijk Freidrich, and Chairman of DPP Ace Hasan. Meanwhile, from PDI-P, there were General Treasurer Olly Dondokambey, Chairman of Bappilu Bambang Wuryanto, and Said.


Chairperson of the Central Executive Board of Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), Puan Maharani (right), received flowers from the Chairman of Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, after a meeting at Airlangga’s residence in Jakarta on Thursday (27/7/2023).

“This technical team will formulate a more concrete roadmap for the cooperation between the two parties. The results of the formulation and agreement by the technical team will then be requested for approval from the leaders of both parties as the basis and commitment for the cooperation between PDI Perjuangan and Partai Golkar,” said Said.

The technical team, according to Said, will soon complete their tasks. He also hopes that the cooperation between the two parties will soon be agreed upon by their respective party leaders. Thus, Golkar can join the other three parties that have previously declared their support for Ganjar, namely the United Development Party (PPP), the Hanura Party, and the Perindo Party.