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be a ham

be on (one’s) wavelength

To be in agreement with one; to think or behave similarly or harmoniously. I was surprised that we became friends so quickly, but she’s just always on my wavelength. A: “How does Indian food sound?” B: “That’s what I was going to suggest! Wow, you’re totally on my wavelength tonight.”

be under (one’s) wing

better than a ham sandwich

cliché Not especially desirable, beneficial, or worthy of excitement, but still better than nothing. I mean, it was nice of him, but what will I do with a bowling ball? Oh well, better than a ham sandwich, I suppose! A: “Twenty long years of service, and all they’re giving me is this cheap watch!” B: “Still, it’s better than a ham sandwich!” They’re offering us $1,000 per person for the settlement. It’s not much, but I guess it’s better than a ham sandwich.

ham it up

To act in an exaggerated way, typically in order to be funny. Your daughter loves to ham it up for the camera—you might have a little actress on your hands!

ham up


1. Uncoordinated or clumsy with one’s hands. My mother does beautiful calligraphy, but I’m so ham-fisted that I can barely hold the pen. No, I’m too ham-fisted to repair that delicate figurine.

2. Inept in one’s personal interactions. Tommy is so ham-fisted that he’ll never be able to mediate this situation.


In a clumsy manner; lacking care and skill. The candidate’s ham-handed attempts to woo voters just ended up annoying them. Sorry for all the typos—I’m too ham-handed to hit the right keys on this tiny keyboard.

if we had ham we could have ham and eggs, if we had eggs

A humorous phrase used to emphasize that one is lacking the things necessary to take some specific action. A: “If I had the money to go to college, it would ultimately put me on the path to a better career.” B: “Yeah, well, if we had ham we could have ham and eggs, if we had eggs.”


rude slang An abbreviation for “hard as a motherfucker.” Usually used as an intensifier. We lost because the other team went HAM from the opening face-off to the final buzzer—and we sure didn’t.


Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

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