Blog Lionel Messi blasts referee after Argentinas World Cup win

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The game featured 16 yellow cards, multiple scraps between the two teams, a late tying goal from the Netherlands and multiple controversial moments.

“FIFA has to review that. It can’t give a referee like that a match of this importance, when they’re not up to the task.”

Referee Antonio Mateu shows a yellow card to Argentina’s Lionel Messi during the World Cup quarterfinal soccer match between the Netherlands and Argentina.

Lionel Messi said of the officiating: “I don’t want to talk about the referee, because they immediately reprimand you or sanction you, but I think people saw what happened.”
AFP via Getty Images

“We knew how to suffer when it was our turn, but we got through to the semifinals. It’s beautiful, something impressive.”

Argentina will play Croatia in the semifinals.