Blog Lionel Messis 3 Kids Everything to Know

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The soccer star, who scored two goals during the thrilling match, shared a sweet moment with two of his kids after the game when his boys embraced him in a hug while wearing jerseys with their father’s name and number (10) on the back. They were soon joined by their younger brother and mom, Antonella Roccuzzo, who later posted several sweet photos from the family celebration.

The athlete later told FC Barcelona that fatherhood changed his entire perspective. “You grow and you learn,” he said in 2017. “You gather experience in all aspects of life, on and off the field. But, as a human being, having three children changed my perspective on life, my way of thinking and it also helped me grow.”

“From the very beginning, from kick-off to the final whistle, I’m thinking of my children,” he said after defeating Australia in the round of 16, per The Athletic. “They’re growing older. They understand better what’s going on and they enjoy it more.”

Antonela Roccuzzo Instagram
Antonela Roccuzzo Instagram

The soccer star also explained that his priorities shifted after becoming a father: “When I look at life, think about each moment, when I analyze every situation … Now everything is different.”

“A typical day involves taking Thiago to school, going to training, hanging out at home drinking maté and spending time with Anto and the kids at the park or somewhere,” he described. “It’s a normal, calm life, the kind of life we have always wanted.​”

Antonela Roccuzzo Instagram
Antonela Roccuzzo Instagram
Antonela Roccuzzo Instagram
Antonela Roccuzzo Instagram

However, there was one important goal he was still striving to achieve at the time: “Of course, outside of my family nothing would make me happier than to win my first World Cup with Argentina in 2018,” he wrote.

Just four years later, he would go on to celebrate his first World Cup victory — with all three of his sons by his side.

On March 10, 2023, Roccuzzo marked the boy’s 5th birthday with a sweet Instagram post. She shared one recent photo of Ciro wearing a #10 soccer jersey, as well as a throwback snap of him as a baby. “Para siempre nuestro Bebé,” she wrote in the caption, which translates to “Forever our baby.”