Blog Lionel Messis media impact How MLS Apple can maximize his time in America

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The cover is poetry. One of the most famous men in the world — maybe the most famous at that time — in full flight, eyes on the soccer ball to the right of him. The date of the magazine is June 23, 1975. The sparse wording on the front tells you everything.

“PELE’S TRIUMPHANT DEBUT: U.S. Soccer Finds a Savior”

“Pressure is privilege, in my opinion,” said Taylor Twellman, the lead analyst for the Apple/MLS partnership. “If you are Apple TV or Major League Soccer or the corporate sponsors, there’s an unbelievable amount of privilege to broadcast and showcase what this league is and what this league can be with a player of this caliber.

“I’m on the record with this: This is going to be bigger than Pele with the Cosmos. Here’s why. When Pele said, ‘I’m going to go to New York,’ he introduced this country and this continent to a whole different avenue of what soccer was. However, they couldn’t take advantage of it. There was no infrastructure. There was no idea of how to manifest that energy and turn it into a league. The NASL … folded within five, six years after Pele left. Look at where MLS is right now with the stadiums, the infrastructure.

2. Placing Miami’s games in windows that maximize a global audience

5. Creating an environment that prompts non-MLS rightsholders to cover his every move

Courtesy of this chart from Robert Seidman: You can see the top local markets for the Stanley Cup Final across all networks and across all five games.

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(Photo: Di Yin / Getty Images)