Blog Nightlife Guide in Bali Where to Drink and Party

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When it comes to nightlife, South Bali is where it’s at.

The following nightlife spots are well-known to the international crowd of tourists who visit Bali year after year.

Rooftop lounges and bars are gaining ground in Kuta. With megaclubs, ultra-cheap drinks, and a musical focus on reggae, top 40, R&B, and mainstream dance music, Kuta attracts a wilder crowd. During the holiday season, Kuta has become a playground for travelers, attracting partygoers from all over the world, but especially Australians on “Spring Break.” However, the overall atmosphere is a bit more “rough,” and drinking seems to be the focus more than style and atmosphere.

Seminyak typically attracts a hipper, more refined group of clubbers than Kuta, and is home to many trendy bars and clubs. Most expatriates also hang out in Seminyak. The focus is more on eye-catching venues with top of the line sound systems and international DJs playing house, techno, dubstep, and other cutting edge sounds. Drinks are of higher quality, mostly prepared by skilled bartenders using imported ingredients. Make no mistake though, Seminyak’s clubs are still as wild as they come.

Canggu has a laid-back, bohemian vibe and welcomes all types of travelers who want to party while also celebrating a healthy lifestyle. The clubbing scene is still young here, and more places will open up while others will close. Canggu is not only for parties and nightlife, and is probably the best place to be in Bali these days. Although the same level of nightlife hype found in Kuta and Seminyak has not reached the shores of Canggu yet, the bars in Canggu draw in their crowds.

Much further south, on the coast of the Bukit Peninsula, the clubs in Uluwatu invite thousands of partygoers and world-class DJs to clifftop parties where everyone wants to have a good time and be seen. It’s not easy to get down there, but once you do, you’ll find that the views are breathtaking and the atmosphere is just right for partying in class and style.