Blog President If Luhut Bahlil Bamsoet have a will thats Golkars business

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Berikut adalah artikel atau berita tentang Harian dengan judul President If Luhut Bahlil Bamsoet have a will thats Golkars business yang telah tayang di terimakasih telah menyimak. Bila ada masukan atau komplain mengenai artikel berikut silahkan hubungi email kami di [email protected], Terimakasih.

“That is Golkar’s internal affairs, Golkar’s internal affairs. Nothing to do with us. If Pak Luhut, Pak Bahlil, Pak Bamsoet (Bambang Soesatyo) have a wish, that’s their business, not ours, Golkar’s internal affairs, right,” said President Jokowi before leaving for China from Halim Perdanakusuma Air Force Base, East Jakarta, Thursday (27/7/2023).

A number of senior Golkar politicians want a national leadership meeting (munaslub) on the grounds of Golkar’s low electability based on survey results from several institutions. In addition, Airlangga was recently investigated by the Attorney General’s Office in connection with corruption cases related to the provision of facilities for the export of crude palm oil and its derivatives in 2022. Airlangga’s examination in his capacity as Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs is considered to have the potential to further erode Golkar’s electability.

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Minister of Economic Affairs Coordinator Airlangga Hartarto after being examined at the Attorney General’s Office, Jakarta, on Monday (24/7/2023).

When asked about the internal meeting with Airlangga Hartarto held at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta on Wednesday (26/7/2023), President Jokowi instead laughed.

The President added that the meeting discussed the management of export earnings from natural resources. “DHE meeting, what’s that? Export earnings fund. It’s been the second indicative target,” said President Jokowi.

Bahlil and Luhut also responded to journalists’ questions regarding the internal meeting. “So it’s not a 3.5 hour meeting, 3 minutes yes while chatting,” said Bahlil about the meeting which reportedly lasted up to 3.5 hours.


President Joko Widodo in a press statement at the Halim Perdanakusuma Air Force Base in East Jakarta on July 27, 2023.

Luhut has reinforced the President’s statement. According to him, Foreign Exchange earnings from natural resources are very important. The related regulations are contained in Government Regulation Number 36 of 2023 which will take effect on August 1, 2023. In these regulations, Foreign Exchange earnings from natural resources exports valued above 250,000 US dollars must be deposited in Indonesia’s financial system for three months.

According to Luhut, the new regulation can increase Indonesia’s foreign exchange reserves by more than 300 billion US dollars within a year because it will earn interest from Bank Indonesia. “DHE is very important, DHE can be funds that stay in Indonesia from the exports of mining which can reach up to 9 billion US dollars per year,” emphasized Luhut.

Also read: Starting August 1, Export Proceeds Must Be Kept Domestically First

Luhut added that the DHE policy will support small businesses engaged in the export of natural resources because exports below $250,000 US dollars are not subject to mandatory savings. “For example, fisheries are exempt from this because their margins are thin and we don’t want them to be affected,” he said.

After the meeting, Airlangga did not respond when asked if they discussed political agendas with Jokowi. “We will focus on increasing the foreign exchange from exports but we will also develop the sectors. We will release the details soon, together with the Bank of Indonesia and the Finance Minister,” said Airlangga regarding the agenda of the meeting with President Jokowi.


Chairman of Golkar Party Airlangga Hartarto answered questions from the press at the Presidential Palace complex, Jakarta, on Thursday, July 13th, 2023.

Airlangga did not respond when asked about the news that Golkar Party allegedly planned to support Anies Baswedan. He only briefly responded about Golkar Party’s condition. According to Airlangga, Golkar Party is in a good condition. “Safe and under control,” said Airlangga.

Also read: Airlangga was asked by Attorney General’s Office investigators about preventing cooking oil shortages

Found in the Presidential Palace complex, Jakarta, after the TNI-Polri’s Prasetya Perwira (Praspa) ceremony held in the Merdeka Palace yard on Wednesday (26/7/2023), MPR Chairman Bambang Soesatyo asserted that the condition of Golkar is fine. Although Golkar’s National Congress is scheduled to be held next year, an extraordinary congress can be held at any time.

“If there is an extraordinary event, it is called a national leadership meeting and can be held anytime. We do not know if there is an extraordinary event or not,” said Bambang, who serves as the Vice Chairman of the Golkar Party.

According to Bambang Soesatyo, consolidation is still being carried out well under the leadership of Airlangga.


MPR chairman Bambang Soesatyo

“I have been a potential candidate since before, but I did not pursue it. I did not continue with the candidacy. Hopefully, next year if the situation allows, I will nominate myself,” said Bambang regarding his name being mentioned as one of the replacement candidates for Airlangga.”

When asked whether he will continue to support Airlangga as the Chairman of Golkar, Bambang mentioned that he will still observe the development of the situation. “It greatly depends on the party’s situation, as it is determined by the regions,” Bambang said.