Blog Lionel Messi celebrations since MLS transfer prompt conspiracy theory

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The World Cup winner has enjoyed a sterling start to life stateside, living up to his superstar billing with five strikes in just three appearances for the Herons. More observant onlookers may have noticed a pattern when it comes to his celebrations as well, leading some fans to come up with a conspiracy theory.

The 36-year-old attracted a lot of attention after his gesture in the direction of franchise co-owner David Beckham following one of his two goals in the 4-0 Leagues Cup win over Atlanta United. Cupping his hand and seemingly aiming it towards the ex-Manchester United hero was initially taken to signify the phrase “hold my beer”.

Twitter users have now come up with their own theory of why the megastar is choosing to celebrate in this way, with some observers now convinced that his gestures form part of a commercial tie-in. One user posted a message intimating that Marvel has something to do with the Argentina international’s poses, saying: “They have to be paying him for this.”

Lionel Messi’s celebration after his brace against Atlanta United appeared to be made in the direction of Inter Miami co-owner David Beckham
Antonela Roccuzzo/ Instagram)