Blog Manchester United takeover News views gossip pictures video

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Manchester United takeover latest as two more protests against the Glazers confirmed
Manchester United takeover

Man United supporters will continue with their protests against the club’s owners as the takeover saga shows no signs of coming to an end


Manchester United fans announce Glazer protests vs Wolves and Nottingham Forest
The Glazers

Manchester United supporters group The 1958 have announced their action for the first two home fixtures of the season


Manchester United takeover latest as Sheikh Jassim bid ‘close to winning’
Manchester United takeover

Manchester United’s long takeover saga could be close to being completed if the latest reports are correct


‘Fresh start’ – Owen Hargreaves sends Glazer family a Manchester United takeover message
Manchester United takeover

The 2008 Champions League winner says the Glazers have a right to do as they wish although says a reset might be best for Man United.


Rio Ferdinand and Gary Neville agree on biggest Manchester United takeover issue
Manchester United takeover

Manchester United are still no closer to clearing up the takeover situation with the Glazers continuing to mull over the offers


Manchester United takeover latest as Sheikh Jassim bid hits ‘unresolvable problem’
Manchester United takeover

Manchester United fans continue to await news from the Glazer family about the future of the takeover process


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